Harman Patil (Editor)

Discrete valuation

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In mathematics, a discrete valuation is an integer valuation on a field K; that is, a function


ν : K Z { }

satisfying the conditions

ν ( x y ) = ν ( x ) + ν ( y ) ν ( x + y ) min { ν ( x ) , ν ( y ) } ν ( x ) = x = 0

for all x , y K .

Note that often the trivial valuation which takes on only the values 0 , is explicitly excluded.

A field with a non-trivial discrete valuation is called a discrete valuation field.

Discrete valuation rings and valuations on fields

To every field K with discrete valuation ν we can associate the subring

of K , which is a discrete valuation ring. Conversely, the valuation ν : A Z { } on a discrete valuation ring A can be extended in a unique way to a discrete valuation on the quotient field K = Quot ( A ) ; the associated discrete valuation ring O K is just A .


  • For a fixed prime p and for any element x Q different from zero write x = p j a b with j , a , b Z such that p does not divide a , b , then ν ( x ) = j is a discrete valuation on Q , called the p-adic valuation.
  • Given a Riemann surface X , we can consider the field K = M ( X ) of meromorphic functions X C { } . For a fixed point p X , we define a discrete valuation on K as follows: ν ( f ) = j if and only if j is the largest integer such that the function f ( z ) / ( z p ) j can be extended to a holomorphic function at p . This means: if ν ( f ) = j > 0 then f has a root of order j at the point p ; if ν ( f ) = j < 0 then f has a pole of order j at p . In a similar manner, one also defines a discrete valuation on the function field of an algebraic curve for every regular point p on the curve.
  • More examples can be found in the article on discrete valuation rings.


    Discrete valuation Wikipedia