Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Direct TV, ltd

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Direct TV, ltd — owner of the most popular Russian home shopping channels TTS, Domashniy magazin and Stil i Moda.



Direct TV, ltd was created in 2010 year and started with TTS home shopping channel, after one year they create new home shopping channel and named it Domashniy magazin. In August 2011, after half a year, they create first fashion home shopping channel in Russia - Stil i Moda. Besides Direct TV, ltd has own catalogue which also named Domashniy magazin and spreads across Russia, and three internet shops named like TV channels names.


  • TTS
  • Domashniy magazin
  • Stil i Moda (translated like Style and Fashion)
  • Internet

  • TTS internet shop
  • Domashniy magazin internet shop
  • Stil i moda internet shop
  • References

    Direct TV, ltd Wikipedia

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