Supriya Ghosh (Editor)


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Higher classification

Scientific name


Diervilla httpssmediacacheak0pinimgcomoriginalsb8

Lower classifications
Diervilla sessilifolia, Diervilla lonicera

Cool splash diervilla a shrub for shady gardens

Bush honeysuckle (Diervilla) is genus of three species of deciduous shrubs in the family Caprifoliaceae, all indigenous to eastern North America. The genus is named after a French surgeon Dr. Marin Diereville, who introduced the plant to Europe around 1700.


Diervilla Diervilla lonicera bushhoneysuckle Go Botany

The bush honeysuckles are low in height (1-2 m), of small to medium diameter (1-2 m), and develop into colonies by means of spreading underground rhizomes. Their leaves are simple, opposite and either oval or lanceolate in shape with a toothed edge. The fall color varies between yellow, orange and red. Small tubular flowers, typically pale yellow, are produced in June and July.

Diervilla Kodiak Black Diervilla rivularis Proven Winners
  • Diervilla sessilifoliaSouthern bush honeysuckle
  • Diervilla loniceraNorthern bush honeysuckle (other names Low bush honeysuckle, Dwarf bush honeysuckle, Yellow-flowered upright honeysuckle)
  • Diervilla rivularisMountain bush honeysuckle (other names Georgia bush honeysuckle, Hairy bush honeysuckle)

  • Diervilla Diervilla x splendens bush honeysuckleRHS Gardening

    Other species formerly included in Diervilla are now treated in the genus Weigela. The bush honeysuckles are commonly confused with the common wild honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica), or the Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), both members of the closely related genus Lonicera.

    The British Diervilla national collection is held at Sheffield Botanical Gardens; along with the national collection of the closely related Weigela genus.[1]

    Diervilla Diervilla Checklist View

    Diervilla species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Common Emerald and The Engrailed.

    Diervilla Diervilla sessilifolia Wikipedia

    Diervilla honeybee bush honeysuckle summer 2016 part ii


    Diervilla Wikipedia

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