Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Diederik Stapel

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Diederik Stapel


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Diederik Alexander Stapel (born 19 October 1966 in Oegstgeest) is a Dutch former professor of social psychology at Tilburg University and before that at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. In 2011 Tilburg University suspended Stapel for fabricating and manipulating data for his research publications. This scientific misconduct took place over a number of years and affected at least 55 publications.


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Stapel obtained an M.A. in psychology and communications from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in 1991. In 1997 he obtained his Ph.D. cum laude in social psychology from the UvA. He became professor at the University of Groningen in 2000 and moved to Tilburg University in 2006, where he founded TiBER, the Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics Research. In September 2010, Stapel became dean of the social and behavioral sciences faculty.

Stapel received the "Career Trajectory Award" from the Society of Experimental Social Psychology in 2009, which has since been retracted. He returned his Ph.D. title to the University of Amsterdam in November 2011, noting that his "behavior of the past years are inconsistent with the duties associated with the doctorate".

In October 2014 Dutch media reported that Stapel had returned to work, teaching social philosophy at the Fontys Academy for Creative Industries in Tilburg.

Scientific misconduct

In September 2011, Tilburg University suspended Stapel from his duties, because he fabricated data for his research publications. The university announced an investigation of his work.

Levelt Committee

On 31 October 2011, a committee entrusted with investigating "the extent and nature of the breach of scientific integrity committed by Mr D.A. Stapel", formed by the Rector Magnificus of Tilburg University and chaired by Willem ("Pim") Levelt, published an interim report regarding Stapel's activities at the three Dutch universities where he had worked. The interim report pointed to three unidentified "young researchers" as the whistleblowers for the case, and implies that these whistleblowers spent months making observations of Stapel and his work before they concluded that something actually was wrong. The report also cites two professors who claim they had previously seen examples of Stapel's data that were "too good to be true". The report concluded that Stapel made up data for at least 30 publications. His general method towards the end of his career was to develop a complete experiment at the level of theory, hypotheses, methods, stimuli, questionnaires, and even participants' rewards – and then pretend that he would run the experiments at schools to which only he had access. Instead of doing so, he would make up the data and send these to colleagues for further analysis. The report also stated that earlier in his career, going back at least to 2004, he appears to have manipulated data rather than faked them. In all cases he acted alone and the report did not find any indication that coauthors, PhD students, or others were aware even in instances where suspicion may have been reasonable. On page 6-7, the interim report names 19 Ph.D. theses prepared with data delivered by Stapel. Of those, seven have been cleared. There are various degrees of suspicion about the remaining 12. The report advised that the Ph.D. degrees of the students involved should not be retracted.

It became widely known that Stapel treated his graduate students unfairly, with most of them graduating without ever actually completing an experiment. Stapel controlled the data in his lab, and when students asked to see the raw data, they were often given excuses. According to the report, there were occasions when Stapel's data were given to an assistant to be entered into a computer. This assistant would then return the data file to Stapel. The researcher analyzing the data would then receive the file directly from Stapel. Stapel would apparently tell this researcher to, "Be aware that you have gold in your hands." The report also suggests that Stapel elected to present a list of publications that contained fictitious data.

The interim report stated that it was not possible to determine whether Stapel fabricated or manipulated data for his 1997 dissertation at the University of Amsterdam, because the data had been destroyed. The university announced that it would investigate whether it would be possible to retract Stapel's Ph.D. because of exceptionally unworthy scientific behavior. Stapel has since returned his degree himself (see above).

The interim report stated that Stapel had caused severe damage to young people at the beginning of their careers, as well as to the general confidence in science, in particular social psychology. The University of Tilburg announced that it would pursue criminal prosecution of Stapel.

An extensive report investigates all of Stapel's 130 articles and 24 book chapters. A website was set up on 27 March 2012 to publish intermediate findings. According to the first findings, on the first batch of 20 publications by Stapel, studied by the "Levelt Committee", 12 were falsified and three contributions to books were also fraudulent. de Volkskrant reported that the final report was due on 28 November 2012, and that a book by Stapel (Ontsporing, "Derailment") was to be released around the same time. "We have some 30 papers in peer-reviewed journals where we are actually sure that they are fake, and there are more to come," Pim Levelt, chair of the committee investigating Stapel's work stated.

Coping with chaos

A month after Tilburg University announced that it had found evidence of fraud in Stapel's work, the journal Science posted a retraction notice on Stapel's co-authored paper entitled Coping with chaos: How disordered contexts promote stereotyping and discrimination. The report from Science says:

Our Report "Coping with chaos: How disordered contexts promote stereotyping and discrimination" (1) reported the effects of the physical environment on human stereotyping and discriminatory behavior. On 31 October 2011, the University of Tilburg held a press conference to announce findings of their investigation into possible data fraud on the part of author Stapel. These findings of the university's interim report (2) included fabrication of data in this Science paper. Therefore, we are retracting the paper, with apologies from author Stapel. Coauthor Lindenberg was in no way involved in the generation of the data, and agrees to the retraction of the paper.

In December 2011, Stapel retracted this paper, the first to be retracted. The journal expressed initial concern regarding the paper's validity on November 1. In a response to the retraction, coauthor of the Chaos paper Siegwart Lindenberg told the journal in an email, "Stapel's doing had caught me as much by surprise as it did anybody else. I never had any suspicion. He was a very trusted man, dean of the faculty, brilliant, successful, no indications for me to be distrustful. In this, I was not the only one. I also had no trouble with the results of the experiments."

Meat eaters more selfish than vegetarians

The research result, obtained by Stapel and co-workers Roos Vonk (Radboud University) and Marcel Zeelenberg (Tilburg University), that meat eaters are more selfish than vegetarians, which was widely publicized in Dutch media, was suspected and later turned out to be based on falsified data. The research result had not yet been published in a scientific journal, only a press bulletin was released.

Reaction by Stapel

Responding to the interim report, Stapel stated:

I failed as a scientist. I adapted research data and fabricated research. Not once, but several times, not for a short period, but over a longer period of time. I realize that I shocked and angered my colleagues, because of my behavior. I put my field, social psychology in a bad light. I am ashamed of it and I deeply regret it.

... I think it is important to emphasize that I never informed my colleagues of my inappropriate behavior. I offer my colleagues, my PhD students, and the complete academic community my sincere apologies. I am aware of the suffering and sorrow that I caused to them. ... I did not withstand the pressure to score, to publish, the pressure to get better in time. I wanted too much, too fast. In a system where there are few checks and balances, where people work alone, I took the wrong turn. I want to emphasize that the mistakes that I made were not born out of selfish ends.

In his memoirs that were published in November 2012 Stapel admits his fraud, but protests against the accusation in the interim report that he was a cunning, manipulative fraud with a plan.

Reaction in academia

On 28 November 2012 the joint final report, from the three investigating committees, was published.

It has been suggested that Stapel was able to continue his fraud for so long because of his status. At Tilburg he was "considered a star" and was seen by his colleagues and students as "charismatic, friendly and incredibly talented". Many students became his personal friends. But the final Levelt report raises more controversial questions about the ways in which Stapel went unchallenged for so long. The report concludes that there was "a more general failure of scientific criticism in the peer community and a research culture that was excessively oriented to uncritical confirmation of one's own ideas and to finding appealing but theoretically superficial ad hoc results". It goes on to suggest that "not infrequently reviews [of social psychology journal articles] were strongly in favour of telling an interesting, elegant, concise and compelling story, possibly at the expense of the necessary scientific diligence."

This aspect of the report has been criticised by the Social Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. In a letter to the Times Higher Education Supplement, on behalf of the Section, Stephen Gibson at York St John University, points out ".. there are no grounds for concluding either that research fraud is any more common in social psychology than other disciplines or that its editorial processes are particularly poor at detecting it", adding that: "Our sub-discipline does not deserve the harm to its reputation that may be provoked by the careless implication of unique deficiencies." The Levelt report has also been criticised by the European Association of Social Psychology in an open letter to its members.

In the February 2013 issue of The Psychologist, Willem Levelt, together with the chairs of the other two investigating committees, published a rejoinder to these and other criticisms. Drenth et al. acknowledge that they did not compare the situation in social psychology with other disciplines, but note that "such a comparative investigation was not part of the Committees' commission."

In a review for the Association for Psychological Science, Stapel's 315-page memoirs, entitled Ontsporing ("Derailed"), is described by Dutch psychologists Denny Borsboom and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers as "priceless and revealing". Stapel recounts that his misdemeanours began when he was sitting, alone in his office in Groningen, and he changed "an unexpected 2 into a 4". The reviewers describe the final chapter of the book as "unexpectedly beautiful" but note that it is full of lines taken from the works of writers Raymond Carver and James Joyce.

Prosecution settlement

In June 2013 Stapel agreed, in a settlement with the prosecutor, to perform 120 hours of community service and to lose the right to some benefits associated with his former job equivalent to 1.5 years of salary. In this way, he avoided further criminal prosecution.

List of withdrawn publications

As of December 2015 Retraction Watch reported that Stapel had 58 retractions. These include the following:

  • Maringer, Marcus; Stapel, Diederik. "Correction or comparison? The effects of prime awareness on social judgments". European Journal of Social Psychology. 39 (5): 719–733. doi:10.1002/ejsp.569. Retrieved 22 March 2017. 
  • Ruys, Kirsten; Stapel, Diederik; Aarts, Henk (21 September 2010). "From (Unconscious) Perception to Emotion: A Global-to-Specific Unfolding View of Emotional Responding" (Chapter 4 of "Emotion Regulation and Well-Being"). Springer. ISBN 978-1-4419-6952-1. Retrieved 22 March 2017. 
  • Komen, Willem; Stapel, Diederik (November 1998). "Interpretation versus Reference Framing: Assimilation and Contrast Effects in the Organizational Domain". Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 76 (2): 132–148. PMID 9831519. doi:10.1006/obhd.1998.2802. Retrieved 22 March 2017. 
  • Schwinghammer, Saskia; Stapel, Diederik (December 2006). "The Effects of Different Types of Self–Activation on Social Comparison Orientation". Social Cognition. 24 (6): 703–722. doi:10.1521/soco.2006.24.6.703. Retrieved 22 March 2017. 
  • Selected scientific publications

  • — Koomen, Willem (2001). "I, we, and the effects of others on me: How self-construal moderates social comparison effects". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 80 (5): 766–781. PMID 11374748. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.80.5.766. 
  • — Koomen, Willem (2001). "When we wonder what it all means: Interpretation goals facilitate accessibility and stereotyping effects". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 27 (8): 915–929. doi:10.1177/0146167201278001. 
  • This paper is one of three retracted by the journal.
  • — Tesser, A. (2001). "Self-activation increases social comparison". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 81 (4): 742–750. PMID 11642358. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.81.4.742. 
  • — Koomen, Willem; Ruijs, K. (2002). "The effects of diffuse and distinct affect". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 83 (1): 60–74. PMID 12088133. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.83.1.60. 
  • — (2003). "Making sense of hot cognition: Why and when description influences our feelings and judgments". In Forgas, J.P; Williams, K.D.; von Hippel, W. Social judgments: Implicit and explicit processes. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge. pp. 227–250. 
  • — Siegwart Lindenberg, S. (8 April 2011). "Coping with Chaos: How Disordered Contexts Promote Stereotyping and Discrimination". Science. 332 (6026): 251–253. PMID 21474762. doi:10.1126/science.1201068. 
  • According to the Trouw newspaper, this article is based on faked data.
  • The article was retracted by the journal following an Expression of Concern.
  • Other publications

  • Stapel, Diederik; Ontsporing ("Derailment"); Prometheus Books, November 2012; ISBN 90-446-2312-5
  • English translation as a free download in PDF format
  • A.H.J. Dautzenberg & Diederik Stapel; De fictiefabriek. Een bevrijdingsroman in brieven ("The Fiction Factory. A Liberating Epistolary Novel"); Atlas Contact, September 2014; ISBN 978-90-254-4269-9
  • References

    Diederik Stapel Wikipedia

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