Girish Mahajan (Editor)


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7,094 (2011)


334 m

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Dhanas is a Village Panchayat located in Chandigarh district in Chandigarh, India. Total geographical area of Dhanas village is about 5 km2 and it is the 2nd biggest village by area in the sub district. Population density of the village is 1418 persons per KM2. With a Population of 7094, it is the 2nd most populated village in Chandigarh. There are a total of 1845 houses in Dhanas.


Map of Dhanas, Chandigarh, 160014


The village is home to 7094 people, among them 4258 (60%) are male and 2836 (40%) are female. 85% of the whole population are from general caste, 15% are from Schedule Caste. Child (aged under 6 years) population of Dhanas village is 14%, among them 55% are boys and 45% are girls. There are 1845 households in the village and an average 4 persons live in every family.

Growth of population

Population of the village has increased by 132.2% in last 10 years. In 2001 census total population here were 3055. Female population growth rate of the village is 120.4% which is -20.4% lower than male population growth rate of 140.8%. General caste population has increased by 141.7%; Schedule caste population has increased by 89.8% and child population has increased by 112.3% in the village since last census.

Sex ratio - Females per 1000 Male

As of 2011 Census there are 666 females per 1000 male in the village. Sex ratio in general caste is 644, in schedule caste is 805. There are 825 girls under 6 years of age per 1000 boys of the same age in the village. Overall sex ratio in the village has decreased by 62 females per 1000 male during the years from 2001 to 2011. Child sex ratio here has decreased by 167 girls per 1000 boys during the same time.


Total 5205 people in the village are Literate, among them 3315 are male and 1890 are female. Literacy Rate (children under 6 are excluded) of Dhanas is 85%. 89% of male and 79% of female population are literate here. Overall literacy rate in the village has increased by 6%. Male literacy has gone up by 4% and female literacy rate has gone up by 9%.

Workers profile

Dhanas has 44% (3140) population engaged in either main or marginal works. 65% male and 13% female population are working population. 63% of total male population are main (full-time) workers and 2% are marginal (part-time) workers. For women 7% of total female population are main and 6% are marginal workers.

Botanical Garden

Chandigarh, the ‘city beautiful’ situated in the foothills of Shivaliks is blessed with a climate that is suitable to accommodate number of species of flora of different climatic regions. It is worthwhile setting up a Botanical Garden here with a purpose to conserve the flora of the region as well as those exotic and near extinct species. With this background, Chandigarh Administration has established a Botanical Garden near village Sarangpur. This garden spreads over 176 acres of land.

The foundation stone was laid on 30 May 2002 by Lt. Gen. (Retd.) J.F.R. Jacob, the then Administrator, U.T. Chandigarh. This garden has been connected with the nature reserve known as Patiala-ki-Rao forest through a causeway. Patiala-ki-Rao forest spreads over 350 acres of land. Gen. (Retd.) Dr. S. F. Rodrigues, the then Governor of Punjab & Administrator, U.T. Chandigarh, the champion of the cause of environment and keen nature lover, guided the project through his constant inspiration and guidance. H.E. inaugurated the garden on 2 January 2007. This garden when fully developed would be one of the biggest in this region.

The garden consists of 15 Botanical Sections. The primary aim of setting up of Botanical Garden is to promote research, education, ex-situ conservation and to spread awareness about our floral heritage. In addition, the garden would help promote eco-tourism in Chandigarh. Various sections in the Garden are:-

Medicinal Plants Garden: Medicinal Plants Garden/ Herbal Garden has been developed over 40 acres of land. More than 75 species of medicinal trees and 55 species of medicinal shrubs, herbs & climbers have already been planted in this section. Tree species like Harar, Bahera, Amla, Neem, Arjun, Maulsari, Bael, Kathal, Sandalwood, Kachnar, Camphor, Lasura, Gular, Rudraksha, Jamun, Sita Ashok, Guggal, Putranjeeva etc. have been planted along with about 55 varieties of medicinal herbs like Giloe, Akarkara, Gokhru, Ghritkumari, Ashwagandha, Sarpagandha, Tulsi, Mehndi, Kalmegh, Bhringraj, Mandukparni, Brahmi, Bansa, Vacha etc.

Dhanas Lake

It is one of the two main centre of tourist attraction in Dhanas.

In a unique initiative in the region, Chandigarh Renewal Energy and Science & Technology Promotion Society (CREST) has installed a 10 kW peak (kWp) floating Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) power plant at Dhanas lake.

The plant has been set up as a pilot project at a cost of Rs 12 lakh

The floating plant has a total of 34 photovoltaic of 300 watts each. The plant has been set up on a platform that includes a large outer ring that floats on water, and grid supporting 34 panels which are arranged on 7 rows in a hexagonal pattern.


Dhanas Wikipedia