Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Czechoslovak First League

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Number of teams
16 (in 1993)


Level on pyramid

Czechoslovak First League httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

The Czechoslovak First League (Czech: 1. fotbalová liga, Slovak: 1. futbalová liga) was the premier football league in the Czechoslovakia from 1925 to 1993, with the exception of World War II. Czechoslovakia was occupied by German forces who formed Gauliga Sudetenland and Gauliga Böhmen und Mähren leagues on occupied territories. Until 1934-35 season no teams from Slovakia participated in the league.


Czechs were allowed to run their own league in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, while Slovaks were granted their own independent Slovak State and created their own league. After the World War II the league was recreated.


The league was dominated by clubs from Prague with Sparta Prague winning 19 titles, Dukla Prague 11 and Slavia Prague 9.

The attendance record for the league was set on 4 September 1965, when 50,105 spectators attended a match between rivals Sparta and Slavia in Prague.

The successors of the Czechoslovak First League are the Czech First League in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Superliga in Slovakia.


  • 1925 First Association League (Czech: Asociační liga) (teams from Prague only)
  • 1925–29 Central Bohemian First League (Czech: Středočeská liga) (teams from Prague and Central Bohemia)
  • 1929–34 First Association League (Czech: Asociační liga) (expanded to include Moravian teams)
  • 1934–38 State League (Czech: Státní liga) (expanded to include Slovakian teams)
  • 1938–44 Bohemian-Moravian League (Czech: Národní liga) (World War II, Czechoslovakia split)
  • 1945–48 State League (Czech: Státní liga) (Czechoslovak Republic reinstated)
  • 1949–50 First All-National Championship (Czech: Celostátní mistrovství)
  • 1951–55 Republic Championship (Czech: Mistrovství republiky (1951–52), Přebor republiky (1953–55))
  • 1956–93 First League (Czech: I. liga)
  • References

    Czechoslovak First League Wikipedia

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