Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Cubeez Cubeez They cubeedoobeedidit Synthetic Egg

Children's television series

ZingZillas, Fun Song Factory, The Save‑Ums, Tiny Planets, Jay Jay the Jet Plane

The cubeez second season episode 3

Cubeez was a British animated TV show developed between 1994 and 2001 and first aired on GMTV's Kids strand, now known as CITV. It is aimed at pre-school children aged 2–5. The four box-like characters, Bozz, Doody, Dink and Tizzy are accompanied on their adventures by a talking paintbrush (voiced by Marc Silk) and a variety of creative characters. Each episode has a strong educational element and features live-action footage of children.


Cubeez The Cubeez Season 1 Episode 30

Cubeez has been shown around the world and is particularly popular in Latin America and Australia. In the United Kingdom it was aired on Nick Jr. from October 2001-December 2003, then on Channel 4 from around 2005.

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It was also one of the first ever TV shows animated in 3D CGI.


Cubeez The Cubeez OFFICIAL Episode 13 quotSeasons and Flowersquot YouTube

  • Bozz (Keith Wickham) - The pink male cubee, and the leader of the four.
  • Tizzy (Jan Haydn Rowles) - The yellow female cubee.
  • Dink (Mike Walling) - The blue male cubee.
  • Doody (Tara Newley) - The orange female cubee with round red glasses.
  • Friends

  • Learning Wall
  • Boingles
  • Wiggywams
  • Eyesanozes
  • Artist
  • Tock Tock

  • Cubeez The Cubeez OFFICIAL Episode 1 Party time YouTube

    Cubeez The Cubeez Second season Episode 3 YouTube


    Cubeez Wikipedia

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