Puneet Varma (Editor)

Count of Foix

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Count of Foix httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

The Count of Foix ruled the independent County of Foix, in what is now southern France, during the Middle Ages. The House of Foix eventually extended its power across the Pyrenees mountain range, moving their court to Pau in BĂ©arn. The last count unified with King Henry IV of France in 1607.


House of Foix

  • 1010-1034 : Bernard Roger, count of Couserans, count of Bigorre, lord of Comminges and lord of Foix (second son of Roger I of Carcassonne)
  • House of Albret

    Main article: House of Albret and Albret

    House of Bourbon

    In 1607 the county of Foix was reunited to the French crown.


    Count of Foix Wikipedia

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