Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Cosima von Bülow Pavoncelli

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Cosima Bulow

Cosima von Bulow Pavoncelli marmeladeevanstypepadcoma6a00d8345371b369e201

Full Name
Cosima von Bulow

April 15, 1967 (age 57) (

socialite, philanthropist

Count Riccardo Pavoncelli 1996–

Nicolas Pavoncelli, Marina Pavoncelli and Antonia Carolina Pavoncelli

Claus von Bulow\'s daughter

Sunny von Bulow, Claus von Bulow

George Crawford, Annie-Laurie Warmack

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Claus von Bulow, Sunny von Bulow

Countess Cosima von Bülow Pavoncelli (born 15 April 1967) is a British socialite and philanthropist of American, Danish and German ancestry and daughter of the lawyer Claus von Bülow and Sunny von Bülow. She was named on the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame in 1999.


Early life

Cosima von Bülow was born 15 April 1967 in New York City, where she attended the Chapin School. She then attended Brown University. She is third child of Sunny von Bülow and the only child of Claus von Bülow. Her great grandfather was Frits Toxwerdt von Bülow af Plüskow (1872–1955), a Danish minister of justice.

She has two siblings from her mother's first marriage; Princess Annie-Laurie "Ala" Henriette von Auersperg (born 1958) and Prince Alexander-Georg von Auersperg (born 1959). After her graduation from Brown University in 1989, she moved to London to join her father.

Personal life

In 1996, she married Count Riccardo Pavoncelli (born 8 October 1957 in Naples), an Italian banker. He is the son of Giuseppe Pavoncelli (1929–2010) and Rosalba Morelli (b. 1935) He is related to Giuseppe Pavoncelli (1836–1910). The couple has three children:

  • Nicolas Antonio Riccardo Pavoncelli (b. 10 August 1998)
  • Marina Gaetana Pavoncelli (b. 20 June 2000)
  • Antonia Carolina Pavoncelli (b. 23 November 2005)
  • Philanthropy

    She contributes financially to education programs, cultural institutions, and cancer charities in Britain. Additionally, she manages a fund at New York City's Pierpont Morgan Library named the Sunny Crawford von Bülow Fund, which is dedicated to purchasing drawings in honor of her mother.

    The 1990 film Reversal of Fortune was based on Alan Dershowitz' books about the case against Claus von Bulow for the alleged murder attempt on his wife, Sunny, with Kristi Hundt as the older Cosima von Bülow and Kara Emerson as the young Cosima von Bülow.

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