Suvarna Garge (Editor)


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Coronatine Figure 1 Cryptic chlorination by a nonhaem iron enzyme during

How to pronounce coronatine

Coronatine (COR) is a toxin produced by the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae. It is involved in causing stomata to re-open after they close in response to pathogen-associated molecular patterns, as well as interfering with the responses mediated by salicylic acid after the infection has begun. It consists of coronafacic acid (CFA), which is an analog of methyl jasmonic acid (MeJA), and coronamic acid (CMA), joined by an amide bond between the acid group of CFA and the amino group of CMA.

Coronatine A model for the action of coronatine and JAIle in the plant
Coronatine The chemical structures of JAIle and coronatine are similar

Coronatine Dual function of coronatine as a bacterial virulence factor against

Coronatine httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Coronatine Coronatine from Pseudomonas syringae pv Glycinea gt95 HPLC

Coronatine FileCoronatinesvg Wikimedia Commons

Coronatine Total syntheses of coronatines by exo selective DielsAlder

Coronatine Planta The phytotoxin coronatine is a multifun


Coronatine Wikipedia

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