Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Corn soup

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Corn soup Delicious Sweet Corn Soup Recipe Vegetarian Original Tips and Tricks

Place of origin
Canada and the United States

Main ingredients
Corn (typically sweetcorn), broth or milk/cream

Corn chowder, Creamed corn, Chowder, Hot and sour soup, Sweet corn

Vegetarian sweet corn soup

Corn soup is a soup made of corn (typically sweetcorn). It was normally made in corn-producing areas of the world, but is now widespread because of greater corn distribution. The basic recipe is some type of soup base with corn added followed by whatever ingredients give it its distinct style. Typically ingredients are corn cut from the cob, water, butter, some flour, an egg, with salt and pepper for seasoning — this varies by region.


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Native Americans

Corn soup Sweet Corn Soup NDTV Food Videos

Corn, being a staple crop for many Native American tribes has led to corn soup being a primary food among them. M. R. Harrington reported that 1908 hulled-corn soup onno'kwǎ' was the most popular dish for the Seneca Indians. He also stated, "[s]eldom do the Indians, pagan or Christian, meet for any function [...] without a kettle of onno'kwǎ', hot and savory, to regale the crowd". The soup was served at religious events, the people getting a ladleful every time they encircled the kettle.


Several types of soups are prepared using corn as a primary ingredient.

  • Cream of corn soup and creamed corn soup
  • Sweet corn soup
  • Corn crab soup
  • Chinese sweet corn soup (yumigeng or sumigeng)
  • Dried (Indian) corn soup
  • Mexican corn soup
  • Tibetan style corn soup (Ashom Tang)

  • References

    Corn soup Wikipedia

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