Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Congress of Soviets of the Soviet Union

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5 December 1936

30 December 1922

Chairman of the Presidium of the Congress
Mikhail Kalinin

Congress of Soviets of the Soviet Union

Preceded by
Congresses of Soviet republics All-Russian Congress of Soviets All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets All-Belarussian Congress of Soviets All-Caucasian Congress of Soviets

Succeeded by
Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union

The Congress of Soviets of the Soviet Union (Russian: Съезд Советов Советский Союз), was the supreme governing body in the Soviet Union since the formation of the USSR (30 December 1922) and until adoption of the 1936 Soviet Constitution.



Congress of Soviets of the Soviet Union was composed of representatives from the councils of all the Soviet republics on the following standards: from the City Council - 1 member from 25 thousand voters, from provincial (regional, territorial) and Republican congresses - 1 member from the 125 thousand residents. Delegates to the All-Union Congress were elected at the provincial (regional, territorial) autonomous republican congresses of the Soviets, or (if republic did not have provincial (and then provincial, regional) congresses) - directly at the Congress of Soviets of the union republic.


The exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress of Soviets consists of:

  • Amending of the Constitution of the USSR.
  • Admission of new republics into the USSR.
  • Establishment of the principles of plans for development of the Soviet economy and State budget of the USSR, as well as approval of general principles of current legislation.
  • Congress of the Soviets shall determine the general direction of all public bodies, elect a Central Executive Committee of the USSR, responsible to Congress accountable to it.

    The only chairman of the Presidium of the Congress was Mikhail Kalinin.


    Congress of Soviets of the Soviet Union Wikipedia

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