Established 1970 Phone +1 214-376-1711 Founded 1970 | President Dennis Lindsay Website | |
Similar Dallas Baptist University, Bible college, Southwestern Assemblies of God U, The King's University, Benson Idahosa University Profiles |
Christ for the Nations Institute (CFNI) is an interdenominational Christian Bible college located in the Oak Cliff neighborhood of Dallas, Texas, United States. There are nine majors entitled; Worship Major, Creative Media Major, Children and Families Major, Biblical Counseling Major, Evangelism Major, Global Missions Major, Youth Major, Pastoral Major, and Marketplace Leadership.
- History
- Accreditation and affiliation
- Athletics
- Moral code
- Global impact
- Youth for the Nations
- Notable alumni
- References
CFNI also holds Youth For the Nations (YFN, see below), a summer youth camp and Kids For the Nations (KFN), a summer kids camp.
There is also a Spanish Institute for students wishing to work in the Latino/Hispanic world. All the schools specialize in teaching students how to provide resources for completing church buildings, caring for orphans, supporting the nation of Israel, providing humanitarian relief, establishing and strengthening international Bible schools, and distributing Christian literature.
American evangelist Gordon Lindsay and his wife, Freda Lindsay, founded Christ for the Nations Institute (CFNI) in 1970. After Gordon's passing in 1973, Mrs. Lindsay and her family continued operating the institution. The organization has trained more than 33,000 students, reached 120 nations, and assisted native congregations in building more than 12,500 churches all over the world. She remained active as the President of Christ for the Nations until she retired in her 90s. "Mom" Lindsay died in her home on March 26, 2010 at the age of 95 on "Gordon Lindsay Day", a day the institute had designated to remember and honor the legacy of its founder. Their son, Dennis Lindsay, is the current president of CFNI.
Accreditation and affiliation
CFNI is accredited by the International Christian Accrediting Association, a private Christian organization operated under the auspices of Oral Roberts University.
CFNI is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International, is approved by the United States Department of Homeland Security to enroll international students, and has approval from the Department of Veterans Affairs for veteran training.
Christ for the Nations Institute is not state accredited. Until April 21, 2007, it had "applicant status" with the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Applicant status is a pre-membership status granted to colleges that may be able to achieve pre-accreditation candidate status within four years. On April 21, 2007, the Board of Directors of Christ for the Nations decided to withdraw from pursuing ABHE accreditation. However, CFNI holds articulation agreements, for the purpose of transferring credits, with many accredited Christian universities and Bible colleges. The receiving school always determines credit transferability. Some of these institutions include, Ecclesia College, Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Dallas Baptist University, The King's University, Oral Roberts University, and Regent University.
Christ for the Nations Institute has a number of intramural sports teams, some of which include: football, basketball, volleyball and soccer.
Moral code
The CFNI moral code can be found in the student handbook. Students are required to adhere to standards based on the school's Pentecostal, charismatic and evangelical roots which include not participating in what are termed "immoral behaviors" including sex outside of marriage, vulgar language, and same-sex relationships.
Global impact
Christ for the Nations Institute has reached into 120 nations, teaching Christian ideology through Bible institutes, publishing books in 81 languages, aiding in worldwide relief projects, and assisting native congregations in building more than 11,000 churches all over the world. Each year CFNI has about 200 international students, 50 of whom are on scholarship.
CFNI has 44 Associate Bible schools around the world.
Youth for the Nations
Christ for the Nations Institute hosts an annual youth camp, called Youth for the Nations (YFN) for five weeks during the summer. Since 1990, thousands of young people have attended the event in Dallas, Texas.