Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Chinese Owl pigeon

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Conservation status

EE Breed Group
Structure pigeons


US Breed Group
Structure pigeons

Scientific name
Columba livia domestica

Old German Owl pigeon, Indian Fantail, Reversewing Pouter, English Long‑Faced Tumbler, Jacobin pigeon

The Chinese Owl is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. Chinese Owls, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the rock pigeon (Columba livia). The breed is known for its small size and profuse frilled feathers. Many specimens of this breed have have a 'chin-crest' around the frontal region of its neck - it does not extend around to the back of the head. The feathers are more 'ruffled'and appear 'wind-swept' rather that 'curled' as in the frill varieties. The breed comes in many colors : black, brown (of many hues from near-rust to fawn), blue/ blue-grey, barred, ice, satinette blondinette (these last two possibly cross-breeds), white, pied and white-black (combinations).

Chinese Owl pigeon Chinese Owl Fancy Pigeons YouTube
Chinese Owl pigeon Lancaster Grant National Pigeon Show Chinese Owl

Chinese Owl pigeon Chinese owls PigeonTalk

Chinese Owl pigeon Chinese Owl My hobbies display

Chinese Owl pigeon Chinese Owl Pigeon Pictures ENCYCLOPEDIA OF PIGEON BREEDS


Chinese Owl pigeon Wikipedia

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