Sneha Girap (Editor)

Cheryl Prewitt

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Evangelical Christian


Cheryl Prewitt

Cheryl Prewitt smiling while wearing a white and blue floral dress

February 15, 1957 (age 63)

Miss Starkville 1979Miss Mississippi 1979Miss America 1980

Terry BlackwoodHarry Salem

From Grief to Glory, Distractions from Destiny, Speak the Word over Your Fam, 2 Becoming 1, A bright‑shining place

It is well with my soul i must tell jesus cheryl prewitt salem live

Cheryl Salem (née Prewitt) (born February 15, 1957), is an American Christian evangelist, author, musician, and former beauty pageant titleholder, who was Miss Mississippi 1979 and Miss America 1980. She has been married to Harry Salem II, (the brother-in-law of televangelist Richard Roberts) since 1985 and, along with her husband and children, she ministers through Salem Family Ministries. She is a strong politically conservative, evangelical Christian.


Cheryl Prewitt smiling while wearing a crown, necklace, and blouse

Referred to as "God's Miss America", Cheryl is now evangelizing all around the world. She speaks at many churches, get-togethers, and conferences, with a special focus on salvation and on restoring worship in the Church. At age 11 a horrifying automobile accident left Cheryl with a scarred face, a body cast and a wheelchair, all of which she overcame to become Miss MSU, Miss Starkville, Miss Mississippi, and Miss America.

The Salems have two sons, Harry III and Roman, and a daughter, Gabrielle, who is deceased. They have written a book to honor their daughter Gabrielle entitled, from Mourning to Morning, with inserts from Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts, Eastman Curtis and many more.

Cheryl Prewitt smiling while wearing a crown, earrings, and sleeveless top

Miss America 1980- Crowning: Cheryl Prewitt, Miss Mississippi

Miss America 1980

Cheryl Prewitt smiling during the crowning moment

The local milkman told a 5-year old Cheryl Prewitt that she would be Miss America one day. And so she was.

Cheryl Prewitt smiling while wearing a white blouse

Cheryl Prewitt walked the runway to become Miss America 1980, despite poverty, sexual abuse, a horrific car crash that resulted in a physical handicap and over 100 stitches in her face at age 11, and subsequent accident and fall that put a total of 200 stitches in her face by age 20 which have never been touched with plastic surgery. Prewitt was the first Miss America to have a platform, something she said the pageant now encouraged for all contestants. "I stood for God and country and putting the two back together."

Cheryl Prewitt smiling and hugging her husband Harry Salem II while she is wearing a silver blazer

Ms. Prewitt entered - and lost - pageants for 5 years before winning the crown that would take her to Atlantic City. She won the Miss Starkville and Miss Mississippi titles in 1979, culminating in Miss America 1980.


Cheryl Prewitt crowned as Miss America 1980

  • Heaven on Earth (2012)
  • The Holiest Place (2012)
  • Prophetic Instrumental (2012)
  • Revelation: Scriptures in Song (2012)
  • Broken Places (2011)
  • Great is Your Grace (2010)
  • Deep Cries to Deep (2010)
  • Lord, You're Holy (2008)
  • Pour My Love On You (2005)
  • The Glory is Here (2004)
  • My Head is in Heaven (2002)
  • Do I Trust You? (2001)
  • References

    Cheryl Prewitt Wikipedia

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