Sneha Girap (Editor)

Charles Goodhart

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Charles Goodhart


Charles Goodhart Goodhart39s law on not going by the numbers Phil

Cecily Carter Goodhart, Arthur Lehman Goodhart

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Harvard University, University of Cambridge

Phillip J. Goodhart, Hattie Lehman Goodhart

Central Bank and the financ, The evolution of central ba, Money - information - and unce, The Basel Committee on Banki, The Regulatory Respons

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Charles Albert Eric Goodhart, (born 23 October 1936) is a British economist. He was a member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee from June 1997 to May 2000 and a professor at the London School of Economics (1985–2002, Emeritus Professor since 2002). He is the developer of Goodhart's law, an economic law named after him. He is the son of Arthur Lehman Goodhart, and the brother of William Goodhart.


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  • Eton College
  • Trinity College, Cambridge (scholar; 1st Cl. Hons Econs Tripos)
  • Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (PhD 1963).
  • Career

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  • National Service, 1955-57 (2nd Lieut KRRC)
  • Assistant Lecturer in Economics, Cambridge University, 1963–64
  • Economic Adviser, Department of Economic Affairs (UK), 1965–67
  • Lecturer in Monetary Economics, London School of Economics, 1967–69
  • Bank of England:
  • Adviser with particular reference to monetary policy, 1969–80
  • A Chief Adviser, 1980–85
  • External Member, Monetary Policy Committee, 1997–2000
  • Member, Advisory Committee, Hong Kong Exchange Fund, 1990–97
  • Norman Sosnow Professor of Banking and Finance, 1985–2002, now Emeritus Professor, and Member, Financial Markets Group, since 1987, London School of Economics
  • Selected works

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  • Goodhart, Charles. The Evolution of Central Banks. 1988
  • Ferran, Eilís; Goodhart, Charles A. E., eds. (2001). Regulating Financial Services and Markets in the 21st Century. Oxford: Hart Publishing. ISBN 978-1841132792. 
  • Goodhart, Charles, (2001) “What Weight Should Be Given to Asset Prices in the Measurement of Inflation?” Economic Journal 111 (June): F335–56.
  • Goodhart, Charles (2010) “Is a less pro-cyclical financial system an achievable goal?” National Institute Economic Review 211, pp. 81–90
  • Goodhart, Charles (2010) "The Regulatory Response to the Financial Crisis"
  • References

    Charles Goodhart Wikipedia

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