Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Charentais melon

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Honeydew, Fruit, Muskmelon, Melon, Watermelon

Sampling my charentais melon after harvest

A Charentais melon is a type of cantaloupe melon, Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis. It is a small variety of melon, similar in flesh to cantaloupes, but with a more fragrant smell. It was developed in western France around 1920 as a more refined cantaloupe. Most are now produced in North Africa, with some limited production in the United States


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Garden tip harvesting charentais melon

Charentais melon Charentais Melon Information Recipes and Facts

Charentais melon Charentais Melon Seeds Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Charentais melon Charentais Melon Seeds Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds

Charentais melon Charentais Melon Seeds Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds


Charentais melon Wikipedia

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