Suvarna Garge (Editor)


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Scientific name

Guinea pig: 4 – 8 years

Guinea pig: 0.7 – 1.2 kg


CaviaPallas, 1766

Higher classification
Gestation period
Guinea pig: 59 – 72 days

Guinea pig: 20 – 25 cm

Cavia Cavia Dier De Zonnegloed Animal park Animal refuge centre

Lower classifications
Guinea pig, Brazilian guinea pig, Montane guinea pig, Greater guinea pig, Santa Catarina's guinea pig

Piepende baby cavia

Cavia is a genus in the subfamily Caviinae that contains the rodents commonly known as guinea pigs. The best-known species in this genus is the domestic guinea pig, Cavia porcellus, an important meat animal in South America and a common household pet outside South America.


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Taxonomic controversy

Cavia 1000 images about Cavia on Pinterest Cavy Guinea pigs and Nom nom

Cavia is classified in order Rodentia, although there was a minority belief in the scientific community that evidence from mitochondrial DNA and proteins suggested the Hystricognathi might belong to a different evolutionary offshoot, and therefore a different order. If so, this would be an example of convergent evolution. Other scientists were critical of this hypothesis. This uncertainty is largely of historical interest, as abundant molecular genetic evidence now conclusively supports classification of Cavia as rodents. This evidence includes draft genome sequences of Cavia porcellus and several other rodents (available on-line ).


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  • Cavia anolaimae (often considered a synonym of C. porcellus or a subespecies of C. aparea) - Colombia
  • Cavia aperea – Brazilian guinea pig, widespread east of the Andes
  • Cavia fulgida – shiny guinea pig, eastern Brazil
  • Cavia guianae (often considered a synonym of C. porcellus or a subespecies of C. aparea) - Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil
  • Cavia intermedia – intermediate guinea pig, Moleques do Sul islands, Santa Catarina, Brazil, first described in 1999
  • Cavia magna – greater guinea pig, Uruguay, southeast Brazil
  • Cavia nana (often considered a synonym of C. tschudii or a subespecies of C. aparea)
  • Cavia patzelti (often considered a synonym of C. aparea) - Ecuador
  • Cavia porcellus – domestic guinea pig, wild ancestor unknown
  • Cavia tschudii – montane guinea pig, Peru south to northern Chile and northwest Argentina

  • Cavia 1000 images about Cavia on Pinterest The dutchess Toys and Cavy

    Cavia Verzorging van de cavia


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