Puneet Varma (Editor)

Carausius morosus

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Scientific name
Carausius morosus

Higher classification





Carausius morosus InsectaCulture Carausius morosus Photos

Carausius, Phasmids, Extatosoma tiaratum, Medauroidea extradentata, Extatosoma

Nokia n8 video walking sticks carausius morosus

Carausius morosus (the 'common', 'Indian' or 'laboratory' stick insect) is a species of Phasmatodea (phasmid) that is often kept by schools and individuals as pets. Culture stocks originate from an original collection from Tamil Nadu, India. Like the majority of the Phasmatodea, they are nocturnal. Culture stocks are parthenogenetic females that can reproduce without mating. There are no reports of males, although in captivity, gynandromorphs (individuals with both female and male characteristics) are sometimes reared.


Carausius morosus httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu


Carausius morosus Carausiusmorosusjpg photo Jarmo Holopainen photos at pbasecom

Females are elongated and about 80–100 mm in length, ranging from a light green to a darkish brown in colour. The front legs have red patches at the base of the forelegs, and similar but yellow patches on the mid-legs. Eggs are ovoid and brown, with a beige capitula at one end. When the eggs hatch, the plug opens and dark, tiny, string-like young crawl out of the opening. The eggs are haploid.


Carausius morosus FileCarausius morosuslegsJPG Wikimedia Commons

When disturbed, the major defence method is feigning death, the body becoming rigid, and the legs held along the line of the body. Other times, they may be found swaying to mimick the movement of foliage in wind.

Carausius morosus Week in Geek Walking stick edition MSNBC

Feeding occurs at night, when the insects are active. During the day, they rest (often with legs in line with the body) on their food plants.

Care in captivity

Carausius morosus Carausius morosus YouTube

This is an easy species to rear, feeding on fresh privet, ivy or bramble. They need to be kept in a cage around 25 cm in height to allow for successful moulting. Females will lay eggs shortly after reaching adulthood, at the rate of several per night. These can be hatched by keeping them on dry paper towel, or in a dry dish. Eggs can take four months to hatch, depending on many factors, including temperature. This is species number one on the Phasmid Study Group Culture List.

Accidental introductions

Carausius morosus Indian Stick Insect Carausius morosus Carausius morosus

Accidental introductions have been recorded around the world, including South Africa, Great Britain and the United States; where in some cases they have become a pest. Studies at San Diego Zoo found the introduced species on a large number of different ornamental plants.


Carausius morosus Wikipedia

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