Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Captain Future (Nedor Comics)

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Nedor Comics

Alter ego
Andrew Bryant

Created by
Kin Platt

Kin Platt

Captain Future (Nedor Comics) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

First appearance
Startling Comics #1 (June, 1940)

Flight, Superhuman strength

Grim Reaper, Pyroman, Liberator, Woman in Red, Airman

Captain Future is a fictional superhero character (not to be confused with the pulp magazine character of the same name) who first appeared in Startling Comics #1 (June, 1940) from Nedor Comics.


Publishing history

Captain Future appeared in issues 1 through 40 of Startling Comics, and issues 1-3, 5, and 22 (June, 1947) of America's Best Comics; after that, the character fell into the public domain.

In 2003 he appeared in AC Comics' Sentinels of America #1, along with Black Terror, Miss Masque, Fighting Yank, and The Scarab. In 2004 he appeared in Terra Obscura, Volume Two.

In 2008, Captain Future appeared in flashbacks in Dynamite Entertainment's miniseries Project Superpowers; in the one-shot Project Superpowers: Chapter Two Prelude, it was stated that he would appear in future issues in this line.

Nedor Comics

In 1940, scientist Andrew Bryant discovered that bathing himself in a combination of gamma and infrared rays would grant him superpowers. He then used these powers to fight crime, with the help of his detective girlfriend Grace Adams of the Agatha Detective Agency. While "powered up" Bryant is super-strong, can fly and hurl bolts of energy from his hands. Strong blows to the head, however, can render him unconscious and he must frequently use his radiation machine to recharge his powers.

Project Superpowers

At some point after World War II, Captain Future was trapped in the mystical Urn of Pandora by the misguided Fighting Yank, along with dozens of other heroes. Decades later, the Urn was broken and the heroes were freed.

However, in the second volume of Project Superpowers, it is revealed that Captain Future was actually the Greek god Zeus all along.

Powers and abilities

After bathing himself in gamma and infrared rays, Captain Future gained superhuman strength, flight, and the ability to project energy bolts through his hands. However, his powers are only temporary and he must expose himself to the radiation to recharge them.


Captain Future (Nedor Comics) Wikipedia

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