Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Canning Half Tide Dock

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OS grid

Width at entrance
45 ft (14 m)

8,094 m²


Quay length
429 yd (392 m)

Canal & River Trust

Canning Half Tide Dock httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Albert DockCanning Dock

Canning Dock, Sandon Half Tide Dock, Manchester Dock, Victoria Dock - Liverpool, Salisbury Dock

Daniel adamson coming in to canning half tide dock under her own steam

Canning Half Tide Dock on the River Mersey, in Liverpool, England, is a half tide dock and is part of the Port of Liverpool. It is situated in the southern dock system, connected to Canning Dock to the east and Albert Dock to the south.


Boat snowbird canning half tide dock liverpool 31st may 2008


The dock was originally the site of the Gut, the entrance to the Dry Dock which was later to become Canning Dock. Canning Half Tide Dock was built by Jesse Hartley between 1842 and 1844, also opening in 1844.

Originally having two 45 ft (14 m) lock entrances to the Mersey, the north gates were sealed with a concrete dam in 1937. The south gates are modified to accommodate a valve to admit river water. To the outside of the river entrances are two granite octagonal gatemen's shelters, also designed by Hartley. An island built of masonry, which has its own lighthouse, separates the river entrances.

Adjacent to the dock is the Pilotage Building, which opened in 1883 to manage the river's pilot boats. The building was converted in 1980 by the Building Design Partnership for use as a museum. Both this building and the dock itself are now part of Merseyside Maritime Museum.


Canning Half Tide Dock Wikipedia

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