Puneet Varma (Editor)

Can de Palleiro

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25–33 kg (55–73 lb)

Scientific name
Canis lupus familiaris

Country of origin
Galicia (Spain)

30–38 kg (66–84 lb)


A Can de Palleiro looking afar while wearing a black collar

Other names
Can de PalleiroGalician Shepherd DogGalician Celtic WolfdogGalician Palleiro

Breed status
Not recognized as a standardized breed by any major kennel club.

Majorero dog, Majorca Shepherd Dog, Garafiano Shepherd, Carea Leonés, Cão de Castro Laboreiro

O can de palleiro

Can de Palleiro or Pastor Galego also known as Galician Shepherd Dog or Galician Palleiro is a dog breed originating in Galicia (Spain).


Characteristics of a Can de Palleiro or Pastor Galego also known as Galician Shepherd Dog

Commonly known as Can de Palleiro (literally Haystack Dog), is well appreciated among Galicians and well recognized by its name in this northern region of Spain. At present, this dog breed is in potential danger of extinction due its limited number. Individuals through associations like "Club Can de Palleiro" are struggling to preserve this breed.

On the top, a Can de Palleiro looking afar while his tongue out. On the bottom is an article about Can de Palleiro

Reportaxe Can de Palleiro para TVG

General Specifications

A Can de Palleiro with his tongue out

This animal is of Indo-European, rustic and strong trunk, of lupoid type (Mégnin, P., 1897), of straight profile, with a length of about 60–62 cm to the cross; with harmonic proportions and strong constitution, with wide bones, characteristic of its rusticity. The females have slighter aspect and long line proportions. In spite of presenting strong bones their movements are fast and have of good musculation


Shepherd and guardian, because as much he goes with the cows, guiding and keeping them, he also takes care of the house. Guardian of proverbial intelligence, presents a strong and reserved character with the strangers, being in addition brave, characteristic that makes it great collaborator guiding and guarding the cattle. This dog shows great fidelity towards its master and with the people in the house with whom he becomes sweet and calm. It is necessary to emphasize the stability and balance of this animal, characteristics of the cattledogs.


A Can de Palleiro lying on the grass

The ancestors of Can de Palleiro are the native dogs of Galicia from the Paleolithic that accompanied the Galicians in its expansion by British Isles and the European continent. Shares a common origin with the Belgian Shepherd, German Shepherd, Dutch Shepherd, Berger Picard and Cão de Castro Laboreiro.

A Can de Palleiro lying on the ground while his tongue out

This farm dog has existed since then throughout Galicia and even being on numerous references about him, both oral and literary, has remained virtually anonymous to this day.

Named in reference to the barn where this shepherd and guardian used to sleep.

Characteristics of a Can de Palleiro or the Galician Shepherd Dog


Can de Palleiro Wikipedia

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