Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Camp Red Cloud

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Camp Red Cloud A Profile of Camp Red Cloud South Korea ROK Drop

Camp red cloud korea home movies 1964 1965 us army i corps hq uijongbu

Camp Red Cloud (CRC) is a United States Army camp located in the city of Uijeongbu, between Seoul and the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The installation was renamed after Medal of Honor recipient Corporal Mitchell Red Cloud, Jr. on Armed Forces Day, May 18, 1957 from its earlier name of Camp Jackson (which continues as the name of another post just south of CRC).


Camp Red Cloud Area I Command Information Exchange April 13 2015

Camp Red Cloud covers over 164 acres (0.66 km2) of land in the northwestern edge of the city of Uijeongbu and serves as the Headquarters of 2nd Infantry Division (United States).

Camp Red Cloud Camp Red Cloud Uijeongbu military army base

Camp Red Cloud is the home of an array of military units including,:

  • 55th MP company,
  • United States Air Force Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) unit (604th Air Support Operations Squadron),
  • U.S. Army explosive ordnance disposal detachment (late 1990s),
  • Division command staff,
  • hospital staff,
  • finance staff, and
  • ROK/KATUSA headquarters.

  • Camp Red Cloud Camp Red Cloud

    D-company, HQ-company, and the 122d Signal Battalion were retired in 2005, and the remaining soldiers formed the new Division Special Troops Battalion (STB), now the largest unit on the camp. It is a support battalion made up of A CO, and B CO (signal companies), HHSC (division headquarters company), and 2X (division administrative company). The 2nd Infantry Division Band was deactivated in August 2015.

    Camp Red Cloud Camp Red Cloud

    In the summer of 1998, the region of South Korea where CRC lies was subjected to severe rains that caused deadly flooding and damage to CRC. Although no US service members lost their lives during the floods, many Korean nationals and domestic livestock perished in the flood waters. A large portion of the hill behind CRC washed away. A massive mudslide devastated the southern half of CRC. For weeks, Camp Red Cloud went without a main PX as it was destroyed by the floods. Several barracks (officer quarters) were leveled in the destruction along with the golf Pro Shop located adjacent to the helipad. The 2ID museum also suffered severe damage in the torrent of mud and water.

    Camp Red Cloud httpsmilitarybasescomimagesbasesredcloudjpg

    Camp Red Cloud has been the site of various protests and demonstrations against the US presence in Korea. The largest such protest was in 2002 when Korean protesters tossed molotov cocktails and cut holes in the fences around the post. This demonstration was in reaction to the Yangju highway incident in which a US military vehicle had run over two school girls. Fences around the post have since been replaced with concrete walls.

    Camp Red Cloud Camp Red Cloud Red Cloud Lodge

    Current commander is COL Mike Haefner.

    Katusa ets ceremony camp red cloud korea


    Camp Red Cloud Wikipedia

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