Suvarna Garge (Editor)

British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums

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London, United Kingdom


British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums wwwworldlandtrustorgsitesdefaultfilesstyles

The Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain and Ireland


The British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) (formerly the Federation of Zoological Gardens of Great Britain and Ireland) is the professional body representing over 100 zoos and aquariums in Britain and Ireland.


BIAZA members must comply with BIAZA codes of practice, as well as undertaking significant work in the field of animal welfare, conservation, education and research.


BIAZA members support over 700 field conservation projects contributing over £11 million per year. Members supply skills, staff and equipment for wildlife conservation, and essential materials for education and awareness programmes in developing countries. They also play an important role in conservation awareness-raising in the UK, support conservation campaigns and facilitate career development of young conservationists.


More than 22 million people visit BIAZA collections every year including 1.5 million children on organised education trips. BIAZA encourages its members to develop an effective education system aiming to conserve the natural world in a number of ways by:

  • Motivating people to change their habits.
  • Inspiring people to get involved with conservation.
  • Encouraging people to donate to particular conservation programmes.
  • BIAZA collections complete over 800 research projects per year to raise awareness and increase knowledge about wildlife and global issues.


    Research in BIAZA zoos and aquariums aims to gather knowledge that benefits the conservation of threatened species.

    A significant number of zoo animals housed within the UK are part of European breeding programmes (EEPs) which aim to preserve threatened species for the future by pairing compatible individuals.

    BIAZA are members of the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA) and the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA).


    The alphabetic list named for the British Isles and Gibraltar (February 2017):

    1. Admore Open Farm and Mini Zoo
    2. Africa Alive
    3. Alameda Wildlife Conservation Park
    4. Amazon World
    5. Amazona Zoo
    6. Amazonia
    7. Banham Zoo
    8. Battersea Park Childrens Zoo
    9. Beale Park
    10. Becky Falls Woodland Park
    11. Belfast Zoological Gardens
    12. Berkshire College of Agriculture
    13. Birdworld
    14. Birmingham Nature Centre
    15. Blackpool Zoo Park
    16. Blair Drummond Safari and Adventure Park
    17. Blue Planet Aquarium
    18. Brent Lodge Park Animal Centre
    19. Bristol Zoo Gardens
    20. Calderglen Country Park Zoo
    21. Camperdown Wildlife Centre
    22. Chessington World of Adventures Resort
    23. Chester Zoo
    24. Chestnut Centre Conservation Park
    25. Colchester Zoo
    26. Combe Martin Wildlife and Dinosaur Park
    27. Crocodiles Of The World
    28. Curraghs Wildlife Park
    29. Dartmoor Zoological Park
    30. Deep Sea World
    31. The Deep
    32. Dingle Oceanworld Aquarum
    33. Drayton Manor Zoo
    34. Drusillas Park
    35. Dublin Zoo
    36. Dudley Zoological Gardens
    37. Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
    38. Edinburgh Zoo
    39. Exmoor Zoological Park
    40. Five Sisters Zoo
    41. Flamingo Land
    42. Folly Farm
    43. Fota Wildife Park
    44. Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park
    45. Galway Atlantaquaria
    46. Gauntlet Bird of Prey - Eagle and Vulture Park
    47. Golders Hill Park Zoo
    48. Harewood Bird Garden
    49. Hawk Conservancy Trust
    50. Highland Wildlife Park
    51. Hobbledown Ltd
    52. International Centre for Birds of Prey
    53. Isle of Wight Zoo
    54. Kirkleatham Owl Centre
    55. Kirkley Hall Zoological Gardens
    56. Knowsley Safari Park
    57. Lake District Coast Aquarium
    58. Lake District Wildlife Park
    59. Lakeland Wildlife Oasis
    60. Lakes Aquarium
    61. Linton Zoological Gardens
    62. Living Coasts
    63. The Living Rainforest
    64. London Aquarium
    65. Longleat Safari and Adventure Park
    66. Lotherton Hall Bird Garden
    67. Mablethorpe Seal Sanctuary and Nature Centre
    68. Manor House Wildlife Park
    69. Marwell Wildlife
    70. National Marine Aquarium
    71. New Forest Wildlife Park
    72. Newquay Zoo
    73. Noah's Ark Zoo Farm
    74. Oceanarium
    75. Old MacDonald's Farm
    76. Paignton Zoo
    77. Paradise Wildlife Park
    78. Peak Wildlife Park
    79. Pensthorpe
    80. Raptor Foundation
    81. Reaseheath College
    82. Riverside Garden
    83. Sealife Adventure
    84. Sea Life Park Weymouth
    85. Secret Valley Wildlife Park
    86. Shaldon Wildlife Trust
    87. Shepreth Wildlife Park
    88. Sparsholt College Hampshire
    89. Tayto Park
    90. The Scottish Deer Centre
    91. Thrigby Hall Wildlife Gardens
    92. Tilgate Nature Centre
    93. Tropical Butterfly House
    94. Tropical Wings Zoo
    95. Tropical World
    96. Tropical World @ Alcorns
    97. Tropiquaria Wildlife Park
    98. Twycross Zoo
    99. UK Wolf Conservation Trust
    100. Welsh Mountain Zoo - National Zoological Society of Wales
    101. West Midland Safari & Leisure Park
    102. Wildlife Heritage Foundation
    103. Wildwood Trust
    104. Williamson Park
    105. Woburn Safari Park
    106. Woodside Wildlife and Falconry Park
    107. WWT Arundel
    108. WWT Castle Espie
    109. WWT Llanelli Wetland Centre
    110. WWT London Wetland Centre
    111. WWT Martin Mere
    112. WWT Slimbridge
    113. WWT Washington
    114. Yorkshire Wildlife Park
    115. ZSL - London Zoo
    116. ZSL - Whipsnade Zoo


    British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums Wikipedia

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