Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Bismarck (film)

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Nazi Germany

Wolfgang Liebeneiner


Bismarck (film) movie scenes Bundesarchiv Bild 193 04 1 26 Schlachtschiff Bismarck jpg

Rolf Lauckner
Wolfgang Liebeneiner

Release date

April 1, 1815, Schonhausen, Germany

July 30, 1898, Friedrichsruh, Germany

Johanna von Puttkamer (m. 1847–1894)

Humboldt University of Berlin (1833–1835)

Herbert von Bismarck, Marie von Bismarck, Wilhelm von Bismarck

Bismarck, the Man and the Statesman

Similar movies
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Sink the bismarck ww2 classic

Bismarck is a 1940 German historical film directed by Wolfgang Liebeneiner and starring Paul Hartmann, Friedrich Kayßler and Lil Dagover.


Bismarck (film) movie scenes The action is convincingly and excitingly staged and combined with a tightly scripted well acted and directed movie it is a virtually flawless example of

Plot summary

Bismarck (film) wwwnewvideodecorcrbismarck40jpg

This film depicts the life of the Prussian statesman Otto von Bismarck, a German nationalist and lonely genius who withstands parliament to act on behalf of the people.

The Film recalls the nineteenth century desire for German Unification which at the time was threatened from several corners. From the liberals, from crown prince Frederich (who is shown as an English puppet) and the French who attempt to annex the left bank of the Rhine. The historical feature opens in 1862 with King Wilhelm I appointing Bismarck as head of the Prussian government. With Germany divided into 35 different political entities and power transferred to various principalities, the nation is portrayed as desperately longing for national unity. The Austrian Kaiser, also wishing unity, appears unconcerned with the northern province. His interest rests in asserting control over the confederation. Wilhelm I, unable to control the parliament, is on the verge of abdication. The crown prince and his English wife wish the installation of a British style government which may undermine German unity. The king's last resort is the appointment of Bismarck as his Prime Minister. Bismarck's first political act is to desolve the Prussian parliament following the refusal of an opposition leader, Virchow, to finance military reform and rearmament plans.

From 1866 to 1870, Bismarck wages several wars against Denmark, Austria, and France. According to his main political principle; the most decisive political questions are not solved by parliamentary discussions and resolutions but by "Eisen und Blut", Iron (weaponry) and blood alone. The film concludes with the 1871 proclamation of a new German Empire at the Hall Of Mirrors in Versailles. United under the leadership of Prussia, the new nation is armed with a strong military force built to withstand powerful and malevolent neighbours.

Armed forces victories are depicted as the handiwork of one great man; the Battle of Königgrätz is viewed solely the work of General Moltke. There are no battlefield recreations .

The storyline blends history with third reich era propaganda such as an assassination attempt on Bismarck by, as the film calls, an "English Jew" whom the heroic Bismarck stops, unscathed by bullets. Spending a few years in England, his motives are questioned over his loyalty in preservation of the German state. Surreptitiously viewing an "evil Jew" attempt to halt German unity, there is also an underlying twin theme of the disruption of German Politics by the English. Bismarck believes this to be a sign from god that he is destined to unite Germany.

Released in the wake of the 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, it depicts a parallel view to Bismarck's that a Russian alliance will safeguard the Prussians in the east.


  • Paul Hartmann as Otto von Bismarck
  • Friedrich Kayßler as König Wilhelm I
  • Lil Dagover as Kaiserin Eugénie
  • Käthe Haack as Johanna von Bismarck
  • Maria Koppenhöfer as Königin Augusta
  • Walter Franck as Kaiser Napoleon III
  • Ruth Hellberg as Kronprinzessin Victoria
  • Werner Hinz as Kronprinz Friedrich
  • Margret Militzer as Komtess Marie von Bismarck
  • Karl Schönböck as Kaiser Franz Joseph
  • Günther Hadank as Minister Moltke
  • Hellmuth Bergmann as Minister von Roon
  • Karl Haubenreißer as Dr. Rudolf Virchow
  • Otto Gebühr as König von Sachsen
  • Jaspar von Oertzen as Prinz Friedrich Karl
  • Harald Paulsen as Benedetti
  • Karl Meixner as Ludwig Loewe
  • Hans Junkermann as Generalfeldmarschall Wrangel
  • Otto Graf as Herr von Keudell
  • Franz Schafheitlin as Fürst Metternich
  • Bruno Hübner as Graf Rechberg
  • Paul Hoffmann as Graf von Blome
  • Otto Stoeckel as Ministerpräsident Beust
  • Otto Below as Lothar Bucher
  • Eduard von Winterstein as General von Manstein
  • Karl Fochler as Graf Karolyi
  • Wilhelm P. Krüger as Lakai Kuhn
  • References

    Bismarck (film) Wikipedia

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