Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Big Boss (musician)

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Birth name
Jiri Valter

Associated acts

Years active

Vocals, drums

Also known as
Big Boss

Big Boss

Big Boss (musician) gdenikcz50b1bigbossvalterrootosu3deni

Black metal, Progressive metal

Jiří Valter, better known as Big Boss, is the vocalist for the Czech black metal band Root, the progressive metal band Equirhodont and eponymous band with ballads.


Big Boss (musician) BIG BOSS LYRICS


Big Boss (musician) Big Boss for President YouTube

Big Boss was born in the Czech Republic around 1952 to pianist and professor Milan Valter. He started as a blues vocalist before moving to hard rock singer and finally to metal. According to him, "[a]ll these styles are mixed, either in some of my songs or singing. Mostly in my singing". In late 1987, he founded the black metal band Root together with guitarist Blackie.

Big Boss (musician) BIG BOSS Satanv odkaz z Brna a na konec svta lnky

Big Boss launched his side project Equirhodont with his Root bandmates Ashok and Igor in 2002. In addition to his activities with these two bands, he has also recorded three solo albums.


Big Boss (musician) Root Kapely Bigbt esk televize

Big Boss founded the Czech branch of the Church of Satan in 1991. He claims to have been appointed a High Priest in the Church of Satan by Anton LaVey. He still lives his life according to Satanism but delegated the branch’s leadership to younger members around 2004 and now believes that "everything that smells of organization is shit".

Big Boss (musician) Root Bigboss hostem poradu Metal noc YouTube

It has often been pretended that Big Boss was homosexual. He has denied this and stated: “But if they say, that I'm homosexual so it is their problem, not mine. Perhaps it is their wishful thinking. Perhaps when they masturbate so they fantasise me and I'm unattainable idol for them... really I don't know.”

Other activities

Big Boss translated several books to Czech.

  • Necronomicon
  • The Antichrist
  • The Satanic Bible
  • With Root

  • see Root (band)#Discography
  • With Equirhodont

  • Grandiose Magus (2003)
  • Black Crystal (2004)
  • Solo

  • Q7 (1994)
  • Belial’s Wind (1998)
  • Doomy Ballads (2008)
  • Guest performance

  • Moonspell - At the Image of Pain from Memorial Album
  • Helheim- Oaken Dragons and The Thrall and the Master from The Journeys and Experiences of Death
  • Behemoth - Jáma pekel (Master's Hammer cover) from Ezkaton
  • References

    Big Boss (musician) Wikipedia

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