Girish Mahajan (Editor)


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Bessin House in PortenBessinHuppain holiday rentals Calvados

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The Bessin is an area in Normandy, France, corresponding to the territory of the Bajocasses tribe of Gaul who also gave their name to the city of Bayeux, central town of the Bessin.


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The territory was annexed by the count of Rouen in 924.

Bessin PortenBessinHuppain Location Guide

The Bessin corresponds to the former diocese of Bayeux, which was incorporated into the Calvados département following the French Revolution.


Part of the Bessin is now administered as a national park for its importance as marshland.

Bessin PortenBessin in Calvados on the Normandy coast Calvados Tourism

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Bessin PortenBessinHuppain Tourism Holidays amp Weekends

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