Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Bernd Erich Gall

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Bernd Gall

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Bernd erich gall leinwandarbeiten 2013

Bernd Erich Gall (born August 2, 1956) is a German painter and conceptual artist.


Bernd Erich Gall FileBernd Erich Gall Portrait2jpg Wikimedia Commons

In the early 1980s he was a representative of the "Neue Wilde", a group of German artists. In the 1990s it came to a stylistic imposition. The crude, strong, expressive figuration was replaced by a compositional color abstraction. Clear, strong color fields generated the basic formula of Gall’s paintings and built a distance to symbolize his art work. Objects and installations enlarged his artistic spectrum.

Bernd Erich Gall Canvas 041025 Grey from Bernd Erich Gall at artistsde art

Current art work

Bernd Erich Gall lives and works in Karlsruhe, Germany. His large sized actual works are geometrical "color field paintings" (oil on canvas). Gall’s conceptual modus operandi comes to the fore by his objects, installations, new media and video art.


Bernd Erich Gall Wikipedia

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