Harman Patil (Editor)


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Place of origin

Main ingredients
silkworm pupae

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San‑nakji, Yumilgwa, Witchetty grub, Escamol, Virgin boy egg

Food in korea silk worm larvae pupa beondegi

Beondegi (번데기) is a snack food in Korean cuisine. Literally meaning "chrysalis" or "pupa" in Korean, Beondegi are steamed or boiled silkworm pupae which are seasoned and eaten as a snack. Beondegi are often served by street vendors, as well as in restaurants and drinking establishments. They are also sold in cans in grocery stores and convenience stores, but they must be boiled in water before serving. Beondegi is not always sold in the market and is usually sold from street vendors, although it is possible to buy the live variant for personal preparation.


Beondegi Auntie B Loves Kimchee My Brief Affair with Beondegi

Korea food beondegi steamed silkworm chrysalis

  • Blog post on canned silkworms
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    Beondegi Americans First Taste of Novel Benedictions


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