Puneet Varma (Editor)

Battle of Honey Hill

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Confederate victory

30 November 1864

Battle of Honey Hill httpssmediacacheak0pinimgcomoriginals50

746 total89 killed,629 wounded28 captured
47 total8 killed39 wounded

Confederate States of America, Union

American Civil War, Battle of Buck Head Creek, Battle of Griswoldville, Battle of Grimball's Landing, Battle of Rivers' Bridge

Battle of honey hill

The Battle of Honey Hill was the third battle of Sherman's March to the Sea, fought November 30, 1864, during the American Civil War. It did not involve Major General William T. Sherman's main force, marching from Atlanta, Georgia, to Savannah, but was a failed Union Army expedition under Brig. Gen. John P. Hatch that attempted to cut off the Charleston and Savannah Railroad in support of Sherman's projected arrival in Savannah.


Battle of Honey Hill Honey Hill and Dahlgren

Battle of honey hill


Battle of Honey Hill Volume 6 1864 September 11865 May Virginia Historical Society

Hatch's expeditionary force left Hilton Head, South Carolina, for Boyd’s Neck (above Beaufort) on November 28. It consisted of 5,000 men—two brigades of the Coast Division of the Department of the South, one naval brigade, and portions of three batteries of light artillery. They steamed up the Broad River in transports to cut the Charleston and Savannah Railroad near Pocotaligo. Due to a heavy fog the troops were not disembarked from the transports until late the following afternoon, and Hatch immediately started forward to cut the railroad near Grahamville.

Battle of Honey Hill Battle of Honey Hill featured in Issue 29 of Charge newsletter

However, the expedition maps and guides proved worthless and Hatch was unable to proceed on the right road until the morning of November 30. At Honey Hill, a few miles from Grahamville, he encountered a Confederate force of regulars and militia, under Col. Charles J. Colcock, with a battery of seven guns across the road. Determined attacks were launched by U.S. Colored Troops including a brigade led by Alfred S. Hartwell that included the 54th Massachusetts and 55th Massachusetts. The position of the Federal force was such that only one section of artillery could be used at a time, and the Confederates were too well entrenched to be dislodged. Fighting kept up until dark when Hatch, realizing the impossibility of successfully attacking or turning the flank of the enemy, withdrew to his transports at Boyd’s Neck, having lost 89 men killed, 629 wounded, and 28 missing. The Confederate casualties amounted to eight killed and 39 wounded.

Battle of Honey Hill Schlacht am Honey Hill Wikipedia

Captains George E. Gouraud and Thomas F. Ellsworth as well as First Lt. Orson W. Bennett were awarded the Medal of Honor. In 2001 another medal was awarded posthumously to then Corporal Andrew J. Smith.

Union order of battle

BG John P. Hatch

Confederate order of battle

MG Gustavus W. Smith
Col Charles J. Colcock

Chief of Artillery: Col Ambrosio José Gonzales


In a report of Hatch December 1864 summarized the Union losses:

Battle of Honey Hill Battle of Honey Hill SC site photos

  • 1st Brigade: casualties of 2 officers and 54 men killed;28 officers and 409 men wounded; 1 officer and 14 men missing.
  • 2nd Brigade: casualties of 3 officers and 28 men killed;10 officers and 160 men wounded; 1 officer and 8 men missing.
  • Naval Brigade: casualties of 1 man killed; 7 men wounded; 4 men missing
  • Artillery Brigade: casualties of 1 officer killed; 2 officers and 12 men wounded
  • Cavalry: casualties of 1 man wounded

  • Battle of Honey Hill Battle of Honey Hill SC site photos

    The Confederate losses were reported by Lt Col C.C. Jones in his Siege of Savannah as 4 killed and 40 wounded. The Savannah Republican newspaper on Dec 1, 1864 reported "between eighty and one hundred killed and wounded"


    Battle of Honey Hill Wikipedia

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