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Higher classification

Scientific name

Barbodes Fish Identification

Cyprinidae, Tinfoil barb, Puntius, Barbonymus, Spanner barb

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Barbodes is a genus of small to medium-sized cyprinid fish native to tropical Asia. The majority of the species are from Southeast Asia. Many species are threatened and some from the Philippines are already extinct. Several members of this genus were formerly included in Puntius instead.


Barbodes Fish Identification


Barbodes Barbodes everetti Puntius everetti Systomus everetti Seriously Fish

The name is derived from the Latin word barbus, meaning "barbel", and the Greek word oides, meaning "similar to".


There are currently 48 recognized species in this genus:

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  • Barbodes amarus Herre, 1924 (Pait)
  • Barbodes aurotaeniatus (Tirant, 1885)
  • Barbodes banksi (Herre, 1940)
  • Barbodes baoulan Herre, 1926 (Baolan)
  • Barbodes binotatus (Valenciennes, 1842) (Spotted barb)
  • Barbodes bovanicus (F. Day, 1877) (Bowany Barb)
  • Barbodes bunau (Rachmatika, 2005)
  • Barbodes cataractae (Fowler, 1934)
  • Barbodes clemensi Herre, 1924
  • Barbodes disa Herre, 1932
  • Barbodes dorsimaculatus (C. G. E. Ahl, 1923) (Blackline barb)
  • Barbodes dunckeri (C. G. E. Ahl, 1929) (Bigspot barb)
  • Barbodes elongatus (Ōshima, 1920)
  • Barbodes everetti (Boulenger, 1894) (Clown barb)
  • Barbodes flavifuscus Herre, 1924 (Katapa-tapa)
  • Barbodes hemictenus D. S. Jordan & R. E. Richardson, 1908
  • Barbodes herrei (Fowler, 1934)
  • Barbodes ivis (Seale, 1910)
  • Barbodes jacobusboehlkei (Fowler, 1958)
  • Barbodes joaquinae (C. E. Wood, 1968)
  • Barbodes katolo Herre, 1924
  • Barbodes kuchingensis (Herre, 1940)
  • Barbodes lanaoensis Herre, 1924 (Kandar)
  • Barbodes lateristriga (Valenciennes, 1842) (Spanner barb)
  • Barbodes lindog Herre, 1924 (Lindog)
  • Barbodes manalak Herre, 1924 (Manalak)
  • Barbodes manguaoensis (A. L. Day, 1914)
  • Barbodes microps (Günther, 1868)
  • Barbodes montanoi (Sauvage, 1881)
  • Barbodes pachycheilus (Herre, 1924)
  • Barbodes palaemophagus (Herre, 1924)
  • Barbodes palata Herre, 1924
  • Barbodes palavanensis (Boulenger, 1895)
  • Barbodes polylepis J. X. Chen & D. J. Li, 1988
  • Barbodes quinquemaculatus (Seale & B. A. Bean, 1907)
  • Barbodes resimus (Herre, 1924)
  • Barbodes rhombeus (Kottelat, 2000)
  • Barbodes sealei Herre, 1933
  • Barbodes semifasciolatus (Günther, 1868) (Chinese barb)
  • Barbodes sirang Herre, 1932 (Sirang)
  • Barbodes tras Herre, 1926
  • Barbodes truncatulus (Herre, 1924) (Bitungu)
  • Barbodes tumba Herre, 1924
  • Barbodes umalii (C. E. Wood, 1968)
  • Barbodes wynaadensis (F. Day, 1873)
  • Barbodes xouthos (Kottelat & H. H. Tan, 2011)

  • Barbodes Aquariumphotodk Category Barb Asia Image Barbodes everetti 5

    Note on species list: Kottelat 2013 states that B. dorsimaculatus may not be referable to this genus and considers it to be species inquirenda. He also implies that Barbodes should be restricted to Southeast Asian and Philippine endemics and that the following species from eastern and southern Asia may not be referable to this genus: B. bovanicus, B. carnaticus, B. elongatus, B. polylepis and B. wynaadensis. Because these species fall outside of the geographic area of his paper, their position in Cyprinidae is not addressed.


    Barbodes Wikipedia

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