Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Bao Xishun

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Native name

2.36 m

Bao Xishun

Xia Shujian


Bao Xishun Bao Xi Shun The tallest man

1951 (age 63–69)
Inner Mongolia, China

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Guinness world records unveils new tallest man

Bao Xishun (also known as Xi Shun; born 1951) is a herdsman from Inner Mongolia, China, recognized by Guinness World Records as one of the world's tallest living men. On September 17, 2009, Turkey's Sultan Kösen overtook Bao Xishun as the tallest living man in the world, when he was measured by Guinness World Records, standing 2.51 metres (8 ft 3 in) tall.


Bao Xishun Bao Xishun Bing images

Bao xishun el hombre m s alto del mundo


Bao Xishun World in Pictures 7132007 slide 1 NY Daily News

Bao Xishun worked at the Chifeng City local hospital for several months. Bao suffers from rheumatism. Bao Xishun claims to have been of normal height until he was sixteen years old. Bao served in the People's Liberation Army for three years. He later returned to Inner Mongolia to live with his mother. He soon became known as the world's tallest living man. In 2005 he became the world's tallest man. In December 2006, Bao Xishun was asked by veterinarians to assist them in removing shards of plastic from the stomachs of two dolphins. The dolphins had accidentally swallowed the shards, which had settled in their stomachs and caused a loss of appetite and depression. Veterinarians had failed to remove them, so Bao Xishun used his 1.06-metre-long arms to reach into the dolphins' stomachs and remove the plastic manually.

Bao Xishun httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Bao Xishun married saleswoman Xia Shujuan on March 24, 2007. The Mongolian ceremony took place on July 12, 2007. Bao's son was born at a hospital in Zunhua, Hebei province October 2, 2008. Bao appeared on the eleventh episode of The Amazing Race 16 as the pitstop greeter. The episode aired on May 2, 2010.

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Bao Xishun Bao Xishun Bing images

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Bao Xishun Wikipedia

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