Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Banca Transilvania

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Horia Ciorcila

Traded as

Omer Tetik (1 Jun 2013–)

Banca Transilvania httpslh4googleusercontentcomGfFbQkDJcHEAAA

Key people
Horia Ciorcilă (Chairman)Ömer Tetik (CEO)

Commercial banking, Investment banking, Private banking, Asset management

6.01 billion RON (2011)

December 1993, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

"Banca oamenilor întreprinzători"


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Banca Transilvania (BT) is a banking institution with headquarters in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The bank was founded in 1993 in Cluj-Napoca by a local business people group, with a capital of 2 billion RON, of which 79% was Romanian and 21% foreign. In 2014, Banca Transilvania celebrates 20 years since it became operational, with the opening of Cluj branch.


Currently, BT is on 3rd place among banks in Romania in terms of assets with a market share of over 8%. Its activity is organized into four main business lines: corporate banking, IMM, retail banking and medical division. Banca Transilvania has about 1.76 million customers, 550 locations and over 6000 employees. Since June 2013, the new CEO of Banca Transilvania is Ömer Tetik. Aged 40, he is one of the youngest bankers in Romania.

Banca Transilvania is the first bank from Romania which opens a branch in Rome.

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Bank Highlights

  • Banca Transilvania was voted “The Most Trusted Brand 2014” by the public, among Romanian banks, during the study conducted by Reader’s Digest. The study has a 14 years tradition, being organized in 12 countries;
  • Banca Transilvania consolidated the third place among the largest banks;
  • Banca Transilvania is the financial institution which did not experienced losses during the crisis. It registered in 2013 increasing financial results from the previous year;
  • European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is the largest BT shareholder (15% of the BT’s share capital);
  • Banca Transilvania is the first bank in Romania which was listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange in 1997;
  • The first bank in Romania which launched in the site Social Media Newsroom, a platform which integrates press releases, BT news, and also Social Media;
  • Cluj has Soul ( is the biggest social involvement project of BT.
  • Horia Ciorcila, BT founder and Chairman of the Council of Administration, is among the largest investors on the Romanian stock exchange;
  • BT is on the first place among the most valuable companies controlled by Romanian investors;
  • BT, for the first time among Superbrands Romania in 2013;
  • BT, in the Social Brands 2013 Top, realized in 2013 by Biz magazine;
  • BT, among the most powerful Romanian brands, top realized in 2013 by Biz magazine;
  • National premiere: the launch of Western Union money transfer service through Internet banking;
  • World premiere: Western Union and Banca Transilvania have launched money transfer service through ATM;
  • In 2003, the bank initiated a rebranding program;
  • Bank Net profit

  • 2013: 83.44 million euros
  • 2012: 71.98 million euros
  • 2011: 51.34 million euros
  • 2010: 24.43 million euros
  • 2009: 14.6 million euros
  • 2008: 108.2 million euros
  • 2007: 102 million euros
  • Bank Assets

  • 2013: 7.13 billion euros
  • 2012: 6643.31 million euros
  • 2011: 5799.94 million euros
  • 2010: 4839.88 million euros
  • 2009: 4.6 billion euros
  • 2008: 4.2 billion euros
  • 2007: 3.8 billion euros
  • 2006: 1.2 billion euros
  • Banca Transilvania’s stock value was headed in 2007 toward 2 billion euros, but after drastic corrections on the financial markets, the bank reached a stock value of below 300 million euros in April 2009.

    In December 2009, Bank of Cyprus acquired 9.7% of Banca Trasilvania’s shares through several transactions made on Bucharest Stock Exchange totaling 58 million euros.

    Banca Transilvania registered for Q1 of 2014, a net profit of 103,4 million lei, almost 23 million euros, having a 23% increase since last year’s same period.

    The BT Financial Group

    The BT Financial Group was formed in 2003, its main component being Banca Transilvania, with which are also included BT Asset Management, BT Direct, BT Leasing, BT Securities, Factoring company, BT Finop Leasing and Medicredit. BT Financial Group will wear BT logo and the center of the power will be Banca Transilvania, which has 100% equity shares or majority positions in subsidiaries.

    BT Asset Management (BT AM) has as activity object the management of group activities. BT Asset Management was founded in 2005 and manages BT Maxim and BT Classic funds and the BT Invest 1 closed-end investment funds, which has parts of Romanian companies with high growth potential. In 2007, BT Asset Management was the mutual funds market leader with a share of 15.3%, in 2008 it was on the second place, going down on the 5th position, with a market share of 5.2% and assets of 77.3 million RON.


    Banca Transilvania Wikipedia

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