Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Balázs Sebestyén

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1.8 m

Benett Sebestyén

Years active

József Sebestyén

TV shows
X-Faktor, Balázs show

Balázs Sebestyén httpssriposthukepadatbazis34988f11f92f884e5

18 July 1977 (age 39) (

Television presenter, Radio presenter

Viktória Horváth (m. 2009)

János Vadon, Rákóczi Ferenc, Bence Istenes, Nóra Ördög, Ildikó Kovalcsik

Balázs Sebestyén (born 18 July 1977, Budapest, Hungary) is a Hungarian television presenter and winner of multiple "Story Ötcsillag" prizes.


Balázs Sebestyén Sebestyn Balzs lete kt gyerekkel lett teljes Blikkhu


Balázs Sebestyén Sebestyn Balzs quotNegyvenves koromra eljutottam oda hogy

Sebestyén began his career as presenter of a music request program. Since then, he has done a big number of variety shows mainly on RTL Klub.

Balázs Sebestyén Sebestyn Balzs A mlysgek rdekelnek inkbbquot

In addition to many radio-television deal he signed a major breakfast show on Class FM with János Vadon and Ferenc Rákóczi.

Personal life

He was married in summer of 2009 to Victoria Horvath. They have two children Benett and Noel Sebestyén.


  • 2008: Sebestyén Balázs: "Szigorúan bizalmas"(Strictly Confidential) (Published by I.A.T. - ISBN 978-963-9885-01-1)- in support of the Gast Royal.
  • His first book was published in 2008, "Confidential", in support of the Royal Gast.

    Balázs Sebestyén Perpatvar l adsban Sebestyn Balzs felesge nagyon kiakadt
    If the color magazines, newspapers megszavaztatnák, who know the least, is probably one of the first name of Sebastian Balazs vetődne up. Not by accident.

    The young TV presenter rarely declares deliberately keeps life from the media. Perhaps this was just as mysterious now. Day by day we see a lot of people adore her,

    Balázs Sebestyén Sebestyn Balzs beolvasott a manyag celeblnyoknak Bouvet
    but hardly anything is known about it. Until now. The first volume of the same depth as well as insights into his inner thoughts to the reader it is almost dizzy.Sebastian Balazs's first book out of the books star line. Sztorizás easy life instead of looking for answers to big questions. It is interesting how all these things

    says a young man in early thirties. Feelings, secrets and disappointments vívódások lead you through what can only marvel: "So this is the true Sebastian Balazs!" The TV presenter took leave of the csevegéstől light, deep and thought-provoking interviews. Hevesi Tamás about freedom, the pránanadiról Joseph Parsley, Laszlo

    Domjan possibilities of the human mind, the önkifejezésről Ernyey Bela, Andrew Large Band of the intellectual inheritance, Joo Stephen animal parallels, Woll

    Zsuzsa acceptance of ourselves talking. What you used to chat with your friends? Balazs first to write a good topic.


  • 2008 Story Ötcsillag award, Best Presenter
  • 2009 Story Ötcsillag award, Best Presenter
  • References

    Balázs Sebestyén Wikipedia

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