Supriya Ghosh (Editor)


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The BDX is a Belgian armored personnel carrier developed on the basis of the Irish designed Timoney armored vehicle.



It is an amphibious vehicle . The hull of the vehicle is made of steel. It can carry up to 10 soldiers.

Vehicle armament may be varied, eg. One or two pintle-mounted 7.62mm machine guns on the roof or a turret mounted 20 mm cannon. 13 vehicles intended for the Belgian Gendarmerie were equipped with a 81mm mortar. Shooting takes place through the open roof hatch .

There is also the possibility of installing NBC protection system .

Technical data

  • Traction: 4x4
  • Crew: 2 + 10
  • Production: 1977 -?
  • Engine: Chrysler 183 hp V-8 petrol
  • Length: 5.05 m
  • Width 2.5 m
  • Height: 2.06 m
  • Mass: 10.7 t
  • Performance
  • Speed: 100 km / h (maximum)
  • Range: 900 km
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Ditches (W): 0.5 m
  • Walls (H): 0.4 m
  • The angles

  • Approach/departure: 60%
  • Slope: 40%
  • Users

  • Belgium :
  • Belgian Air Component - 63 vehicles
  • Gendarmerie - 80 vehicles
  • Argentina - 5 pieces
  • References

    BDX (APC) Wikipedia

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