Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

B Daman Fireblast

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Written by
Yoshinori Odaka


First episode date
7 October 2012

Action fiction

Original run
2012 – 2013

Directed by
Yoshinori Odaka


B‑Daman Crossfire, Battle B‑Daman, Crash B‑Daman, Burst Ball Barrage!! Super B, Bomberman B‑Daman Bakugaiden

B-Daman Fireblast, known in Japan as Cross Fight B-Daman eS (クロスファイト ビーダマンeS, Cross Fight B-Daman eS) is the second B-Daman anime series in the Crossfire saga, succeeding B-Daman Crossfire, and is based on the Emblem Charge System introduced in the toyline in September 2012. It premiered on October 7, 2012, after an airing of Metal Fight Beyblade Zero-G on 8:45 JST at TV Tokyo. It was later moved to 8:30 JST following the conclusion of the Beyblade anime, and introduction of the Beast Saga anime.


B-Daman Fireblast first launched internationally outside Japan in June 2014, in the country of Spain, followed by India, Germany and others. On March 27, 2015, B-Daman Fireblast was released in North America through a new app for iPhone and iPad, with an Android device release on April 13, 2015. The app upon release featured access to the first 9 episodes in English.


B-Daman Fireblast BDaman Fireblast LITE Android Apps on Google Play

The new anime takes place in "Crest Land", set after the mysterious "B-Crystal" went berserk at the WBMA Headquarters. The main protagonist, Kamon Day, lives in the south area of Crest Land, and is an energetic boy who loves B-Daman. However, he lost his all past memories of B-Daman and his family, except for his big sister Aona who lives with him. One day, Kamon meets Garuburn, a B-Daman, at his local B-Daman shop, "B-Junk", and he finds Garuburn strangely familiar. Garuburn becomes his partner, and he returns to the B-Daman battles once again.


B-Daman Fireblast BDaman Fireblast vol 1 Android Apps on Google Play

  • Riki Ryugasaki
  • Samuru Shigami (白銀スバル)
  • Yuki Washimura (鷲村 ユキヒデ) Potagonist of B-Daman Crossfire and B- Damon Champion
  • Basara Kurochi (黒渕バサラ)
  • Simon Sumiya (蠍宮シュモン)
  • Novu Morue (焔ナオヤ)
  • Hugo Raidoh (来堂オウガ)
  • Rori Takakura (天宝院 ルリ(てんぽういん るり)): A Cross Fight staff member wearing bunny ears
  • Grandpa Takakura (天宝院 実篤(てんぽういん さねあつ)): Ruri's grandfather
  • Shirogane Gennosuke (白銀 弦之助(しろがね げんのすけ)): Samuru's father
  • Misuru Hachisuga
  • Ken O'Kame
  • Crest Land South

  • Kamon Day (御代 カモン)
  • Misuru Hachisuga (蜂須賀 ミツル)
  • Crest Land East

  • Riki Ryugasaki (龍ヶ崎カケル)
  • Crest Land North

  • Genta Kokogee (暗黒寺ゲンタ)
  • Crest Land Central

  • Roma Day (御代 リョーマ):Kamon's older brother, the Grand B-Master
  • Crest Land West

  • Bakuga Shiranui (不知火 ビャクガ)
  • Other humans

    B-Daman Fireblast BDaman Fireblast vol 2 LITE Android Apps on Google Play

  • Aona Day (御代 アオナ): Kamon and Ryoma's older sister, and operator of AONA restaurant
  • Gogyou Godai (御代 ゴギョウ): Father of Kamon, Ryoma, Aona; and operator of B-Junk B-Daman shop
  • Himiko Godai (御代 ヒミコ): Mother of Kamon, Ryoma, Aona
  • Agent Chaos (カオス)/Koumyouji Akari (光明寺アカリ)
  • Hagataki (ハガタキ)
  • Agent Dark (エージェントダーク)/Ankokuji Genya (闇黒寺 ゲンヤ): Genta's father
  • Chairman Shiranui (不知火会長(しらぬいかいちょう)): Bakuga's father
  • Tsunotsuki Ryuudou (角突 リュウドウ(つのつき りゅうどう))
  • B-Daman

    B-Daman Fireblast BDaman Fireblast vol 2 LITE Android Apps on Google Play

  • Rising Dracyan (ライジング=ドラシアン): Riki's blue dragon type B-Daman.
  • Sonic Dravise (ソニック=ドラヴァイス): Samuru's white dragon type B-Daman.
  • Assault Dragren (アサルト=ドラグレン): Novu's red dragon type B-Daman, featuring Assault core.
  • Stream Drazeros (ストリーム=ドラゼロス): Basara's black dragon type B-Daman.
  • Across Avian (アクロス=イグル): Yuki's eagle type B-Daman.
  • Mach Scorpio (マッハ=サソード): Simon's scorpion type B-Daman.
  • Jet Leo (ジェット=レオージャ): Hugo's lion type B-Daman.
  • Drive Garuburn (ドライブ=ガルバーン): Kamon's vermilion bird type B-Daman.
  • Slot Stinger (スロット=ビードル): Misuru's bee type B-Daman.
  • Detonate Wolg (ガンロック=ヴォルグ): Ken's wolf type B-Daman.
  • Crash Raydra (クライス=レイドラ): Bakuga's white tiger type B-Daman.
  • Dashing Tankshell (ガトリング=デスシエル): Genta's tortoise type B-Daman.
  • Triple Gillusion (トリプル=ギルシオン): Roma's giraffe type B-Daman, created by combining Right Drake and Left Stallion.
  • Right Drake (ライト=ドレイク): Roma's dragon type B-Daman.
  • Left Stallion (レフト=スタリオン): Roma's horse type B-Daman.
  • Dyna=Triplex (ダイナ=トリプレス): Ryuudou's triceratops type B-Daman.
  • Spike Phoenix (スパイク=フェニックス): A phoenix type B-Daman.
  • Episodes

    Note: This list is for International list only listing 26 episodes while Japan consist of 52.


    B-Daman Fireblast Wikipedia

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