Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Azara (plant)

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Higher classification
Scientific name


Azara (plant) Azara a broadleaved evergreen with airy grace OregonLivecom

Azara microphylla, Azara serrata, Azara dentata, Azara lanceolata, Azara petiolaris

Azara is a genus of ten species of flowering plants in the family Salicaceae, native to temperate to subtropical regions of South America. They are most often found at woodland margins and lakesides. Azara was formerly classed in the family Flacourtiaceae.

Azara (plant) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

They are evergreen shrubs and small trees growing to 1-8 m tall. The leaves are alternate, or in some species they appear paired, are simple 1-9 cm long and 0.5-5 cm broad. The opposite-leaved appearance of some species is unusual in that one stipule is enlarged giving the appearance of opposite ["paired"] leaves. The flowers are small, yellow or greenish, strongly fragrant, with a 4-5-lobed calyx and no petals but conspicuous long, often brightly colored, stamens; flowering is in spring. The fruit is a red to black berry 3-10 mm diameter.

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Several species are cultivated as ornamental plants in gardens. In temperate regions they require the shelter of a wall.

Azara (plant) Azara microphylla Boxleaf Azara plant lust

List of species

Azara (plant) screen plant Garden Coach Photos

  • Azara alpina
  • Azara celastrina
  • Azara dentata
  • Azara integrifolia Goldspire Azara
  • Azara lanceolata Lanceleaf Azara
  • Azara microphylla Boxleaf Azara, with fan-like branches and small dark, glossy leaves
  • Azara petiolaris Holly Azara, with smooth oval leaves
  • Azara salicifolia
  • Azara serrata
  • Azara uruguayensis

  • Azara (plant) Azara plant Wikipedia

    Azara (plant) Azara microphylla Wikipedia

    Azara (plant) Azara microphylla 39Variegata39 Vanilla Tree Variegated Boxleaf


    Azara (plant) Wikipedia

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