Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Australian Saddleback Tumbler

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US Breed Group
Tumblers, Rollers and High Flyers

Arabian Trumpeter, Old Dutch Tumbler, Voorburg Shield Cropper, English Short‑Faced Tumbler, Old German Cropper

Australian saddleback tumbler pigeons

The Australian Saddleback Tumbler is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. Australian Saddleback Tumblers, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the rock pigeon (Columba livia). As the name suggests, this breed is an Australian creation and was first recognized as a breed in 1917.


The breed is usually muffed (feather-legged) but a clean-legged variety does exist. The name of the breed derives from a distinctive saddle-shaped marking on the back. The marking on the head can be either a stripe (most common) or a spot. Australian Saddleback Tumblers can be shown in any color, but some of the more common are black, red, yellow, blue, silver, almond, and andalusian.

Australian saddleback tumbler top 5 facts


Australian Saddleback Tumbler Wikipedia

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