Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Auggie Smith

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Auggie Smith

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Auggie Smith (born 1970) is an American comedian. His real first name is Kevin.


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Born in Santa Rosa, California, he was raised in Billings, Montana. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

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He is a frequent guest on the Bob and Tom Show, a nationally syndicated radio program, and tours across the country steadily. His television appearances include Last Comic Standing in 2007 and Comedy Central's "Live At Gotham" (2006).

In 2010, he became the first comedian to win both the San Francisco and Seattle Comedy Competitions in the same year. Comics who won only one of these include Mitch Hedberg, Dana Carvey, Sinbad, and Jake Johannsen. (Robin Williams, Ellen DeGeneres and Dane Cook placed second in the San Francisco Competition).

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Notable appearances

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  • Seattle Comedy Contest 2010 - won
  • San Francisco Comedy Festival 2010 - won
  • Aspen Rooftop Comedy Festival, 2008 (won Club Favorite award)
  • Montreal Comedy Festival (1998)
  • Bob and Tom Comedy All Stars Tour (2007-8)

  • Auggie Smith Comedian Auggie Smith YouTube

    Auggie Smith Auggie Smith for the win Champion in both 2010 Seattle and San

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    Auggie Smith Wikipedia

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