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Ashikaga Yoshikane
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Ashikaga Yoshikane
Ashikaga Yoshikane(足利義兼, 1154? – April 5, 1199) was a Japanesesamurai military commander, feudal lord in the late Heian and early Kamakura period of Japan's history. He played an active part in the Jishō-Juei War and the later military campaign as a closely related person of the first Kamakura shogun Minamoto no Yoritomo, and made Ashikaga clan influential position in gokenin vassal of the Kamakura Shogunate.
About 1175–1180 (Angen, Jishō eras): He visited the capital Kyoto, and served princess Hachijyōin Akiko Naishinnō in her court as a court official Kurōdo (蔵人). Prince Mochihito who called for the revolt against Heike later was Princess Akiko's adopted son. Minamoto no Yukiie who conveyed the command of a prince to various places became her court's Kurōdo later, too.
1180 (Jishō 4): After Minamoto no Yoritomo raised an army against Heike in Izu Province, Yoshikane who had returned to Ashikaga Manor joined it soon afterwards.
1181 (Jishō 5, 2nd month): Yoshikane married a daughter of Hōjō Tokimasa, Tokiko by intermediation of Yoritomo and became the brother-in-law of him.
1184 (Juei 3, 5th month): In the subjugation of the remnants of Minamoto no Yoshitaka, son of Minamoto no Yoshinaka, he distinguished himself on the field of battle.
1184 (Juei 3, 8th month – ): He joined Minamoto no Noriyori's forces, and took part in various battles in the West Japan and defeated Heike.
1189 (Bunji 5, 7th–9th month): In the Ōshū War, he served as one of the commanders of the Kamakura administration forces, and arrested a guardian of Fujiwara no Yasuhira.
1190 (Kenkyu 1, 1st–3rd month): In the Ōkawa Kanetō rebellion, he was appointed the commander in chief of the Kamakura administration forces, and subjugated the revolt.
1195 (Kenkyū 6, 3rd month): He became a Buddhist monk; and he took the name Gishō (義称). He retreated to Kabasakidera temple in Ashikaga, Shimotsuke Province. It is said that this secluded life was to escape from political dispute.