Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Armin Meier (actor)

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Armin Meier (actor) is serious, has brown hair, a beard, and a mustache, standing in the field, in front of a black car, wearing a blue short sleeve.

May 31, 1978, Munich, Germany

Chinese Roulette, Despair, I Only Want You to Love Me, Adolf and Marlene

Similar People
Kurt Raab, Peer Raben, Juliane Lorenz, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Peter Marthesheimer

Armin Meier (1943-1978) was a German actor, best known for his performances in films of Rainer Werner Fassbinder.


Armin Meier (actor) is serious, has brown hair, a beard, and a mustache, standing inside the comfort room in front of a urinal, right hand holding his penis, left hand on his pocket, wearing a black belt, a blue shirt under a black jacket and white pants.

According to the documentary film Fassbinder: To Love Without Demands (2015), directed by Christian Braad Thomsen, Meier was one of Fassbinder's many lovers. Meier killed himself shortly after not being invited to Fassbinder's 33rd birthday party. Meier's body was later found in Fassbinder's apartment.

Life Stories A Conversation with R W Fassbinder, an interview filmed for German television 1978


  • Fear of Fear (1975) TV movie
  • Mother Küsters' Trip to Heaven (1975)
  • Chinese Roulette (1976)
  • Satan's Brew (1976)
  • I Only Want You To Love Me (1976) TV movie
  • The Stationmaster's Wife (1977) TV movie
  • Adolf and Marlene (1977)
  • Petty Thieves (1977)
  • Spiel der Verlierer (1978)
  • Germany in Autumn (1978)
  • Despair (1978)
  • Flaming Hearts (1978)
  • Fassbinder: To Love Without Demands (2015) archive footage
  • References

    Armin Meier (actor) Wikipedia

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