Harman Patil (Editor)


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Scientific name
Arizonasaurus babbitti


Arizonasaurus Arizonasaurus

Lotosaurus, Ctenosauriscus, Rauisuchia, Batrachotomus, Poposaurus

Arizonasaurus tribute

Arizonasaurus was a ctenosauriscid archosaur from the Middle Triassic (243 million years ago). Arizonasaurus is found in the Middle Triassic Moenkopi Formation of northern Arizona. A fairly complete skeleton was found in 2002 by Sterling Nesbitt. The taxon has a large sailback formed by elongate neural spines of the vertebrae. The type species, Arizonasaurus babbitti, was named by Samuel Paul Welles in 1947.


Arizonasaurus Arizonasaurus dinosaur

Review 116 bullyland arizonasaurus


Arizonasaurus Arizonasaurus dinosaur

It had a sail made of tall neural spines, that was similar to those of other basal archosaurs like Ctenosauriscus, Lotosaurus, Bromsgroveia, and Hypselorhachis.

Arizonasaurus httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Arizonasaurus is described from two specimens of braincases. Some ancestral features of the braincase of Arizonasaurus are plesiomorphic for crurotarsans.

Below is a list of characteristics found by Nesbitt in 2005 that distinguish Arizonasaurus:

Arizonasaurus Arizonasaurus Fact Dinosaurs Pictures and Facts

  • a deep fossa hidden from view on the posteroventral edge of the upward-pointing process of the maxilla;
  • and a tongue-groove attachment between the pubis and the ilium.
  • Discovery and naming

    The type species, Arizonasaurus babbitti, was named by Samuel Paul Welles in 1947 on the basis of a few teeth and a maxilla, labelled as specimen UCMP 36232. A fairly complete skeleton was found in 2002 by Sterling Nesbitt.


    Arizonasaurus was closely related to Ctenosauriscus, and together with a few other genera they make up Ctenosauriscidae. The ctenosauriscids were closely related to the poposaurids, as shown by a few shared derived characteristics. The pelvic girdle in Arizonasaurus unites this taxon with Ctenosauriscus, Lotosaurus, Bromsgroveia, and Hypselorhachus. Together, newly identified pseudosuchian features act as evidence that poposaurids, like Poposaurus, Sillosuchus, and Chatterjeea, and ctenosauriscids form a monophyletic group and are both derived rauisuchians.

    Below is a phylogenetic cladogram simplified from Butler et al. in 2011 showing the cladistics of Archosauriformes, focusing mostly on Pseudosuchia:


    Arizonasaurus is from the middle Triassic Moenkopi Formation of northern Arizona. The divergence of birds and crocodiles occurred earlier than previously thought, as the presence of a poposaurid in the early Middle Triassic suggests. Ctenosauriscids from the Middle Triassic allow the distribution of Triassic faunas to be more widespread, now in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. The fauna of the Moenkopi Formation represent a stage transitional fauna between faunas of older and younger age.


    Arizonasaurus Wikipedia

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