Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Antonio Marín Muñoz

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Antonio Munoz


Antonio Marin Munoz

Antonio mar n mu oz lopera ja n

Antonio Marín Muñoz born in Lopera, Province of Jaen, Spain, 1970 is a writer and historian. He specializes in the contemporary history of Spain.


Antonio Marín Muñoz.


Antonio Marín Muñoz httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Licensed in Law for her University of Granada. His first book went out to the light in the year 2001 and took for title The Civil war in Lopera and Porcuna (1936–1939), which already reaches the fourth edition. This book contains a biography of the English poets Ralph Fox and John Cornford.

Close to his writer's facet, his collaboration is habitual in articles of opinion, of history, since of general information in the media of written communication.

His book, I Besiege to the Sanctuary of the Virgin of the Head (1936–1937) it has been a best-seller, since it is a question of a pleasant, rigorous work and of easy reading, that it makes wake up the interest of the reading lover of the history. The critique has emphasized the objectivity and the impartiality with the one that has treated this episode of the Spanish civil war.

In his book "The reconstruction of the province of Jaén under Franco 'this writer includes a study of the works carried out by the Directorate General of Devastated Regions in the province of Jaén during Franco (1939-1957). Detail of the reconstruction after the civil war.

In 2012 the publisher Portilla Foundation, located in Florida (USA), has published his novel "The difficult years in Jaen," which reconstructs the life of a Spanish during the war in a town of Jaen.

This writer published in the 2014 historical novel "A nurse at the Battle of Lopera," which has been published by the Editorial Circle Red. In this book the story of a nurse who develops its work in the Battle of Lopera (1936), during the Spanish civil war is discussed. You learn about the harsh working conditions at the front, love, deceit, motherhood ...


Antonio Marín Muñoz Wikipedia

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