Anthony Simon Thwaite, OBE, (born 23 June 1930, in Chester), is an English poet and writer. He is married to the writer Ann Thwaite. He was awarded the OBE in 1992, for services to poetry. He was mainly brought up in Yorkshire and currently lives in Norfolk.
During World War II he stayed with relations in the United States. He was educated at Kingswood School, Bath (1944–49) and subsequently read English at Christ Church, Oxford.
He taught at Tokyo University from 1955 and 1957, and for a year in 1985. He has worked for BBC Radio, the New Statesman as literary editor, and from 1973 to 1985 as editor of Encounter with Melvin J. Lasky. Thwaite is one of the literary executors of Philip Larkin, and the major editor of Larkin's work.
Anthony Thwaite (Fantasy Press 1953). Fantasy Poets 17Oxford Poetry 1954 (1954), editor with Jonathan PricePoems (1957). Privately printed in TokyoEssays on Contemporary English Poetry (1957)Home Truths (1957), poemsContemporary English Poetry - An Introduction (1961)New Poems 1961: A P.E.N Anthology of Contemporary Poetry (1961), editor with Hilary Corke and William PlomerThe Owl in the Tree (1963), poemsJapan in Color (1967)The Stones of Emptiness: Poems 1963-66 (1967)Deserts of Hesperides: an Experience in Libya (1969)At Dunkeswell Abbey (1970), broadside poemPenguin Modern Poets 18 (1970), with A. Alvarez and Roy FullerPoints (1972)Inscriptions, Poems 1967–72 (1973)Jack (1973) poemPoetry Today 1960-1973 (1973)Roloff Beny In Italy (1974), with Peter Porter, Gore VidalNew Confessions (1974), poemsThe English Poets - From Chaucer to Edward Thomas (1974), with Peter PorterBeyond the Inhabited World: Roman Britain (1977)A Portion for Foxes (1977), poemsTwelve Poems (1978)Twentieth Century English Poetry : An Introduction (1978)New Poetry 4 (1978), Arts Council anthology, editor with Fleur AdcockVictorian Voices (1980), poemsOdyssey : Mirror of the Mediterranean (1981)Larkin at Sixty (1982) editorThe Penguin Book of Japanese Verse (1983), editor with Geoffrey BownasTelling Tales (1983)Poems 1953–1983 (1984)Six Centuries of Verse (1984), editorPoetry Today : A Critical Guide to British Poetry 1960-1984 (1985)Letter from Tokyo (1987)Philip Larkin: Collected Poems (The Marvell Press, Faber & Faber, 1988), editorFourteen Poems Collected Poems of Philip Larkin (1989), editorSelected Letters of Philip Larkin (1992), editorPoetry Today: A critical guide to British poetry 1960-1995 (1996)R. S. Thomas - Everyman's Poetry (1996), editorSelected Poems 1956-1996 (1997)Longfellow (1997) editorAnthony Thwaite in Conversation (1999), with Peter Dale and Ian HamiltonPaeans for Peter Porter (1999), editorHigh Windows by Philip Larkin (2000), editorA Different Country (Enitharmon Press 2000), poemsGeorge MacBeth – Selected Poems (2002), editorFurther Requirements: Interviews, Broadcasts, Statements and Book Reviews, 1952-85, by Philip Larkin (2002), editorA Move in the Weather: Poems 1994-2002 (Enitharmon Press, 2003)Philip Larkin – Collected Poems (2004), editorCollected Poems (Enitharmon Press, 2007)Philip Larkin: Letters to Monica (Faber & Faber, Bodleian Library, 2010), editor