Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Ant nest beetle

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Higher classification
Ground beetle


Scientific name


Ant nest beetle Alex Wild Photography Photo Keywords ant nest beetle

Beetle, Insect, Ground beetle, Paussus, Brachininae

Ant nest beetles (subfamily Paussinae) or paussines, some members of which are known also as flanged bombardier beetles, are a large subfamily within the ground beetles (Carabidae). The tribes Metriini, Ozaenini, Paussini and Protopaussini are included in the subfamily.


Ant nest beetle Alex Wild Photography Photo Keywords ant nest beetle

Rarely seen, most Paussinae are obligate or facultative myrmecophiles, living within the nests of ants, predatory on ant larvae and workers. Many have elaborate antennal structures and body parts flattened. Paussines are moderate sized (6–20 mm), characterised by glandular hairs that produce secretions attractive to ants and by the odd antennal structures of many species. Their pygidial glands can produce explosive secretions, giving them the other name of flanged bombardier beetles although they are not particularly close relatives of the typical bombardier beetles (Brachininae).

Ant nest beetle Arthropterus antnest beetlequot Carabidae Paussinae Flickr


Ant nest beetle Ant nest beetle A very peculiar beetle seriously associate Flickr

Very little is known about the immature stages of ant nest beetles. Most appear to live in ant nests in their early stages of life. Although many are facultative or obligate myrmecophiles, most do not appear like ants (i.e. myrmecomorphic) and unlike in the case of myrmecophilous larval Lycaenidae, there appears to be no benefit gained by the ants in this association. Many species follow the trails of worker ants of specific species. Glandular secretions on their antennae and body allow them to interact with ant workers. It is believed that the beetles use an acoustic mechanism to successfully imitate the sounds of an ant queen thus permitting them access to the nest without alarming the ants. The defensive bombardier behaviour is never used against ants. Males of some species are attracted to lights during some parts of the season and are thought to disperse from one ant nest to another. Males are thought to be short-lived. These beetles feed on ant eggs, larvae and adults by piercing their mandibles into the abdomen or other soft part and sucking the contents. Apart from chemical mimicry and communication with their hosts, they also make use of vibrations. Several stridulatory structures are found in these beetles including alary-elytral, abdomen-femur and thorax-femur combinations of surfaces.


The subfamily Paussinae contains 49 genera, with around 800 species divided into the following tribes and subtribes:

Ant nest beetle carabidaeorgcarabidaePlatyrhopalus20Platyrhopa

While some tribes like Metriini and Ozaenini appear quite similar to typical carabids, others have modified antennae and body shapes. The Protopaussini and Paussini are slender or compact in body shape with enlarged antennae in the Paussini.

Tribe Metriini

  • Metrius Eschscholtz, 1829
  • Sinometrius Wrase & Schmidt, 2006
  • Tribe Ozaenini

    Ant nest beetle Paussinae ants39 guest beetles ants39 nest beetles

  • Anentmetus Andrewes, 1924
  • Crepidozaena Deuve, 2001
  • Dhanya Andrewes, 1919
  • Entomoantyx Ball & McCleve, 1990
  • Eustra Schmidt-Goebel, 1846
  • Filicerozaena Deuve, 2001
  • Gibbozaena Deuve, 2001
  • Inflatozaena Deuve, 2001
  • Itamus Schmidt-Goebel, 1846
  • Microzaena Fairmaire, 1901
  • Mimozaena Deuve, 2001
  • Mystropomus Chaudoir, 1848
  • Ozaena Olivier, 1812
  • Pachyteles Perty, 1830
  • Physea Brulle, 1834
  • Physeomorpha Ogueta, 1963
  • Platycerozaena Banninger, 1927
  • Proozaena Deuve, 2001
  • Pseudozaena Laporte de Castelnau, 1834
  • Serratozaena Deuve, 2001
  • Sphaerostylus Chaudoir, 1848
  • Tachypeles Deuve, 2001
  • Tribe Paussini

    Subtribe Carabidomemnina Wasmann, 1928

  • Carabidomemnus H. Kolbe, 1924
  • Eohomopterus Wasmann, 1919
  • Subtribe Cerapterina Billberg, 1820

  • Arthropterus MacLeay, 1838
  • Cerapterus Swederus, 1788
  • Megalopaussus Lea, 1906
  • Mesarthropterus Wasmann, 1926
  • Subtribe Heteropaussina Janssens, 1953

  • Heteropaussus Thomson, 1860
  • Subtribe Homopterina Janssens, 1953

  • Homopterus Westwood, 1838
  • Subtribe Paussina Latreille, 1807

  • Ceratoderus Westwood 1841
  • Eopaussus Wasmann, 1926
  • Euplatyrhopalus Desneux, 1905
  • Granulopaussus H. Kolbe, 1938
  • Hylopaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1989
  • Hylotorus Dalman, 1823
  • Lebioderus Westwood, 1838
  • Leleupaussus Luna de Carvalho, 1962
  • Melanospilus Westwood, 1845
  • Paussomorphus Raffray, 1885
  • Paussus Linnaeus, 1775
  • Platyrhopalopsis Desneux, 1905
  • Platyrhopalus Westwood, 1838
  • Pterorhopalus Maruyama, 2011
  • Subtribe Pentaplatarthrina Jeannel, 1946

  • Hexaplatarthus Jeannel, 1955
  • Pentaplatarthus Westwood, 1833
  • Tribe Protopaussini

  • Protopaussus Gestro, 1892
  • References

    Ant nest beetle Wikipedia

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