Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Anselm Berrigan

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Anselm Berrigan



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Zero Star Hotel, Free Cell, Integrity and Dramatic, Notes from Irrelevance, To Hell with Sleep

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Anselm Berrigan (born 1972 in Chicago, Illinois) is a poet and teacher.


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Life and work

Anselm Berrigan The Toronto New School of Writing Anselm Berrigan

Anselm Berrigan grew up in New York City, where he currently resides with his wife, poet Karen Weiser. From 2003 to 2007, he served as artistic director at the St. Mark's Poetry Project. He is the brother of poet and musician Edmund Berrigan, half-brother of Kate Berrigan and scientist David Berrigan, son of poets Alice Notley and the late Ted Berrigan, and stepson of the late English poet and prose writer Douglas Oliver. He has also lived in Buffalo, New York at the "Ranch" and was known lovingly as "Anton" in San Francisco, California. He is a co-chair of the writing program at the Bard College summer MFA program and an adjunct teacher at Brooklyn College. He has also taught writing at Wesleyan University, Rutgers University, Pratt Institute and the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics at Naropa. His newest works are a book-length poem called Notes From Irrelevance (2011), Sure Shot (2013), and Loading (2013), which was done in collaboration with artist Jonathan Allen.

Anselm Berrigan Jacket 8 Dale Smith A review of Integrity and

Anselm Berrigan Anselm Berrigan Poet Academy of American Poets

Anselm Berrigan Anselm Berrigan Poetry Foundation

Anselm Berrigan Anselm Berrigans Ambivalence about Words


Anselm Berrigan Wikipedia

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