Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Angel wing begonia

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Scientific name
Begonia aconitifolia × Begonia coccinea

Begonia coccinea, Painted‑leaf begonia, Wax begonia, Begonia, Begonia × tuberhybrida

Angel wing begonia cutting

Begonia "Angel Wing" is a hybrid Begonia which resulted from a cross between Begonia aconitifolia and B. coccinea. The hybridization was made by California plant breeder Eva Kenworthy Gray in 1926.


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The Angel Wing Begonia resides within the Cane Group of Begonias, along with the Dragon Wing type which generally lacks variation on its leaves. Both Angel and Dragon are named for the shape of their leaves. Angel Wings generally contain spots or a frosted pattern. The underside is often a deep red. They flower and produce blooms that range in colors from red and pink to white.

Angel wing begonia Begonias like this variegated Angel Wing Begonia are the perfect

Often, these plants are used as year-round houseplants. They are easy to grow for a gardener who understands their needs. Since begonias originated in the tropics, the ideal growing conditions include high humidity, good circulation of the air around the plant, a lot of water, and a lot of light. The more light, the more brilliant the color of the leaves.

Angel wing begonia Dragon Wing Red Angelwing Begonia Begonia hybrid Proven Winners

Angel Wing Begonias will grow well under shade cloth, lattice, or in early morning/late afternoon sun. They will burn if grown in direct mid-day sun. The flowers are edible, with a sweet tart taste.

Angel wing begonia SalmonRubra12jpg

To propagate them, cut a two-leaf section of stalk 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) from the end using a sharp knife. Peel off the lower leaves, dip in rooting powder, and insert 2 inches (5.1 cm) into potting soil. Moisten with a watering can. After a few days, tug gently on the plant. If it holds, it has grown new roots. Transfer to a larger, regular pot.

Angel wing begonia 1000 images about Angel Wing Begonias on Pinterest Pink Angel

Angel wing begonia


Angel wing begonia Wikipedia

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