Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Andrzej Bart

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Andrzej Bart


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Novelist, screenwriter, film director

The Flytrap Factory, Rien ne va plus

The Reverse, Boulevard Voltaire, Breathless

Polish Academy Award for Best Screenplay, Koscielski Award

Nike Award: Audience Award, Nike Award: Jury Award

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„Fabryka muchołapek” / reż. Andrzej Bart

Andrzej Bart (born 1951 in Wrocław, Poland) is a Polish novelist, screenwriter and film director. He is called the Polish Thomas Pynchon because he prefers people talk about his books and films but leave him alone.


Andrzej Bart Andrzej Bart Instytut Ksiki

„Fabryka muchołapek” / reż. Andrzej Bart

Rien ne va plus

Andrzej Bart bezdechbarwar01jpg

Andrzej Bart devoted his young years to writing a novel Rien ne va plus This epic story of Poland and Poles, seen through a foreigner’s eyes, couldn't be published for a long time because of political reasons. Published in 1991, it was immediately awarded the Kościelski Award. Subsequently, three editions of the book were published in Poland.

The Travel Bug

Andrzej Bart Bruno Schulz Festiwal Wydarzenia Opl

In Pociąg do podróży, (1999, The Travel Bug), the writer follows two underdogs, a Jew and a German, who are sent back in time to the year 1900 to kill the young Adolf Hitler. Their eccentric travel serves as a pretext to examine the innocence of Europe before it experienced two world-wide wars.

The Fifth Rider of Apocalypse

Andrzej Bart Rozmowa z Andrzejem Bartem Przeszo trzyma mocno

Under the pseudonym Paul Scarron Jr., he published the metaphysical mystery novel Piąty jeździec Apokalipsy (1999, The Fifth Rider of Apocalypse).

Don Juan Revisited

Andrzej Bart Andrzej Bart Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

In the novel Don Juan raz jeszcze (2006, Don Juan Revisited) the old Don Juan atones in a monastery for the sins of his youth. Forced, he sets off for his last adventure. He is to seduce Queen of Castile, Juana, who is traversing Spain with the corpse of her husband.

The Flytrap Factory

Andrzej Bart PwmBartAndrzejjpg

Bart’s most translated book is Fabryka Muchołapek (2008, The Flytrap Factory), short listed for the Nike Literary Award. It is a novel about the most controversial figure of modern history, Chaim Rumkowski, the leader of the Łódź Ghetto.


In Rewers (2009, Reverse) Bart brings back to life one of his characters who in Rien ne va plus committed suicide. A young girl who in Stalinism Poland found herself in a no-choice situation, this time is able to confront evil and win.


A famous Polish director, who’s been working for the last twenty years in the United States, is in a car accident. Suspended between life and death, he returns, delirious, to his country to do what we all hope we’ll have time to do. He wants to apologize and to express thanks but he also wants to take revenge.).


In 2009, Reverse was awarded the main prize – the Golden Lions Award – at the most prestigious Polish Film Festival in Gdynia. It was submitted to the Academy Awards. Since then Reverse has been receiving numerous awards at many international film festivals including Best New Director at the 36th Seattle International Film Festival and the Best Debut Feature at the 32nd Moscow International Film Festival.

Documentaries, TV movies and radio plays

Bart made several documentaries including Eva R., about daughter of pianist Arthur Rubinstein, Hiob, about Marek Rudnicki, graphic artist and painter, Marian Brandys about Marian Brandys, a Polish writer. He is also a screenwriter and producer of Radegast. In 2010 he wrote and directed a TV movie, Boulevard Voltaire, awarded at the 2011 Sopot Festival the Best Director and the Best Script. In 2011 he wrote and directed a radio play Pan i sługa / Master and Servant, broadcast 20 November 2011 on Polskie Radio Program I. In 2012 he wrote and directed a radio play Bezdech / Breathless, broadcast 6 May 2012 on Polskie Radio Program I. In 2013 he wrote and directed Bezdech as a TV theater play; for this play he was awarded at the 2013 Sopot Festival Dwa Teatry the Best Original or Adapted Script. Bezdech received four awards, including the Best Actor, the Best Film Editing, and two honorable mentions. It also received "Bronze Knight" at XXIV International Film Forum "Golden Knight", Sevastopol, 2015 Diploma for the Best Director and DIploma for the Best Screenplay

In 2015 he wrote and directed a radio play Owacja na stojąco (Standing Ovation) which was broadcast at the Theater Scene of Radio Station 3, and Miejsce Obok (Beside) aired on February 28, 2016 on Polskie Radio Program I A collection of Andrzej Bart's plays Sztuki i sztuczki (Plays and playings) was published by Narodowe Centrum Kultury, 2015.

In 2016 Andrzej Bart directed a performance reading of his The Flytrap Factory at the Jewish Community Center in Warsaw.


  • Marian Brandys (documentary, 1997, 19')
  • Eva R. (documentary,1998, 19')
  • Cafe Mocca (documentary,1998, 19')
  • Pałac (documentary, The Castle, 1998, 19')
  • Andrzej Czeczot (documentary,1998, 20')
  • Hiob (documentary, 2000, 20')
  • Andrzej Braun (documentary,2000,19')
  • Powinność (documentary, Duty, 2001, 26')
  • Maestro (documentary,2001, 26')
  • Radegast (writer, producer, documentary, 2009, 50')
  • The Reverse (writer, feature, 2009, 96')
  • Boulevard Voltaire (writer, director, TV film, 2011, 72')
  • Bezdech (feature, 2013, 75 min) (writer, director)
  • Awards

  • 1991 Kościelski Award
  • 2010 Golden Duck Award of Film magazine Best Screenwriter 2009–2010 for Reverse
  • 2010 Eagle Award, Best Screenplay for Reverse
  • 2010 Annual Award of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
  • 2010 Polish TV Award TeleSplendor for Boulevard Voltaire
  • 2011 Sopot Festival the Best Director and the Best Script for Boulevard Voltaire
  • 2012 Annual Samuel Linde Award.
  • 2013 Sopot Festival Dwa Teatry the Best Original and Adopted Script for Bezdech/Breathless
  • II Festival Brasil de Cinema Internacional, Actor in a Leading Role in Breathless: Boguslaw Linda.
  • XXIV International Film Forum "Golden Knight", Sevastopol, 2015. "Bronze Knight" for Breathless, Diploma for the Best Director and for the Best Screenplay
  • References

    Andrzej Bart Wikipedia

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