Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Andrey Zubov

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Andrey Zubov


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Part 1 of 3. Professor Andrey Zubov. United Europe - it's importance, it's history, it's evolution.

Andrei Borisovich Zubov (Russian: andréi Borísovich Zúbov, born 1952, Moscow) is a Russian historian and political scientist, Doctor of History, and a former Professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO). He was dismissed from his post by the university for criticizing Putin's military intervention in Ukraine.


UI Focus: Russia's Domestic Challenges - Andrey Zubov


Zubov graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1973, and worked at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He currently serves the position of leading scholar in its post-Soviet successor.

Zubov also heads the Department of the History of Religions at the Saint John Russian Orthodox University. He has edited two volumes of "Russian History: 20th Century." He is one of the authors of "The Basic Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church".


On Saturday, 1 March 2014, Zubov published an article sharply criticizing the Russian military intervention in Crimea of 2014, entitled "This Has Already Happened". The article compared Putin's actions with Hitler's annexation of Austria and Czechoslovak Sudetenland in 1938. Despite vocal backing from colleagues, even ones who disagreed with his take on the Crimea situation but who supported him on principle, Zubov was consequently fired from the Moscow State Institute of International Affairs for "violating the principles of corporate behavior". His contract was due to end in the summer, which suggests that he had been made an example of as a warning to others who might speak out.

He stated that he felt sympathy for MGIMO's management because many staff probably agreed with his assessments in the article. "These are very smart and understanding people. But they have received instructions from the authorities … their situation is worse than mine."


In 1998 Zubov was awarded by the "Znamia" fund. He is an author of 5 monographs and about 150 published scholarly papers.


  • Parlamentarizm v Tailande: Opit issledovaniya sovremennogo vostochnogo obschestva metodom analiza izbiratel'noi statistiki. M., Nauka: Glavnaya red. vostochnoi literaturi, (Parliamentarism in Thailand, 1982).
  • Parlamentskaya demokratiya i politicheskaya traditsiya Vostoka. M., Nauka, Glavnaya redaktsiya vostochnoi literaturi, (Parliamentary democracy and the political tradition of the East, 1990).
  • L’Euroasia del Nord : Il rischio del caos dopo l’impero sovetico / Ed.San Paolo.- Turin — Milano, 1994.
  • Obraschenie k russkomu natsional'nomu pravoporyadku kak nravstvennaya zadacha i politicheskaya tsel'. Moskva: Gruppa Gross, 1997.
  • Istoriya religii. Kn. 1. Doistoricheskie i vneistoricheskie religii. M., «Planeta detei», 1997.
  • Editor of Istoriia Rossii, XX vek. 2 vols., Moscow, 2009
  • References

    Andrey Zubov Wikipedia

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