Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Amylopectin amylopectin The Biochem Synapse

Amylose amylopectin glycogen and cellulose

Amylopectin /ˌæmlˈpɛktn/ is a water soluble polysaccharide and highly branched polymer of glucose found in plants. It is one of the two components of starch, the other being amylose.

Amylopectin amylopectin The Science of Nutrition

Glucose units are linked in a linear way with α(1→4) Glycosidic bonds. Branching takes place with α(1→6) bonds occurring every 24 to 30 glucose units, resulting in a soluble molecule that can be quickly degraded as it has many end points onto which enzymes can attach. In contrast, amylose contains very few α(1→6) bonds, or even none at all. This causes amylose to be hydrolyzed more slowly, but have higher density and be insoluble.

Its counterpart in animals is glycogen, which has the same composition and structure, but with more extensive branching that occurs every eight to 12 glucose units.

Amylopectin amylopectin biochemist01

Plants store starch within specialized organelles called amyloplasts. When energy is needed for cell work, the plant hydrolyzes the starch, releasing the glucose subunits. Humans and other animals that eat plant foods also use amylase, an enzyme that assists in breaking down amylopectin.

Amylopectin Recipe Amylopectin Smart Kitchen

Starch is made of about 70% amylopectin by weight, though it varies depending on the source (higher in medium-grain rice to 100% in glutinous rice, waxy potato starch, and waxy corn, and lower in long-grain rice, amylomaize, and russet potatoes, for example). Amylopectin is highly branched, being formed of 2,000 to 200,000 glucose units. Its inner chains are formed of 20-24 glucose subunits.

Amylopectin FoodInfonet Carbohydrates gt Starch

Dissolved amylopectin starch has a lower tendency of retrogradation (gelling) during storage and cooling. For this main reason, the waxy starches are used in different applications mainly as a thickening agent or stabilizer.

Amylopectin httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu
Amylopectin Amylopectin from potato starch SigmaAldrich



Amylopectin Wikipedia

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